✰Twelve: Wanna shower together?

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I changed my mind you don't meet Luke's family in this chapter but enjoy


"C'mon." Luke said softly, as we entered his house. The house looked like your average American household, neatly trimmed lawn, big front porch, even a white picket fence. The interior was quite nice, and it felt very homey. It was the kind of house that a perfect family would live in, one with a working husband and wife, with their two perfect kids and a golden retriever.

The house was empty, and very quiet. I glanced at the clock, raising my eyebrows in surprise when it read 11:05. It was a lot later than I had anticipated, and it explained the exhaustion I felt. That could also be from sobbing in Luke's car.

"Do you want something to drink?" Luke asked me, flicking on the light in the kitchen. I nodded my head weakly, not even caring what he gave me. He could give me beer for all I care, I would drink it. My throat felt incredibly dry, worse than when you wake up from a really good nap, worse than screaming your head off during a concert. Because my dry throat wasn't from a good occasion like a two hour nap, or seeing The 1975 in concert.

Luke got me a glass of water, and walked over to the island I was sitting at. I grabbed the glass from him, wasting no time to drink the heavenly liquid. I immediately felt better, as the cool liquid eased my throat, making me relax. I was surprised by how calm Luke was, considering ten minutes ago he was shouting about how he was going to kick Michael Clifford's ass.

"Thank you, Luke." I said, setting down my glass of water. His eyes met mine, and he cocked his head to the side slightly. "For everything," I added, leaning close to him. I kissed him gently, and for the first time that night, I felt warm inside. The kiss was right, it felt so, so, right. Luke's lips slowly moved against mine, before he pulled away.

In that moment, he looked terrified, and I could tell he wanted to tell me something. His face was pale, his eyes seeming bluer than ever before.

"I-" he cut himself off, clearing his throat. "I don't know how to say this, but I really like you, Ashton. I know it may seem like I just want to do sexual things with you, and that's not the case. Of course I think you're so fucking hot and yes, a lot of times that's what I'm thinking about, but you're so much more to me than that. I really care about you, and you're important to me. I just....I've never felt this way about someone, and you make me so happy." Luke confessed, biting his lip nervously.

I didn't say anything, but I responded by kissing him again. Luke placed his hands on my waist, pulling me off of the low stool. I stood up on my feet, wrapping my arms around his neck. I really care about you, and you're important to me. I wish there was a rewind button I could push, just so I could play that movement over, and over, and over again. Those words, the way he said it, I couldn't get over it.

Luke pulled away, but not completely. We were still in each other's arms, our faces close to each other.

"I guess you do have a heart." I teased, my voice hardly above a whisper. Luke laughed softly, leaning his head down to rest his head against my forehead. "You're really important to me too, Luke." I whispered.

           That moment was really important for the both of us.


    Nobody told me how good it feels to fall asleep, and wake up in somebody's arms. The warmth, the comfort, everything about it is absolutely perfect. I could hear voices from upstairs, and the sound of cereal bowls and spoons clashing together. I was very hungry, but I didn't want to just  stroll into the kitchen and eat food. I don't even know these people.

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