✰Sixteen: I'd prefer you naked

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Enjoy this long chapter


All day at school, I was completely miserable. My head was pounding, and the fluorescent lights didn't help my killer headache. Somehow I managed to survive until the end of the day, without flopping over and taking a nap. Luke's words from last night took over my brain, keeping me from thinking about anything else. I love you, you're my everything.

Did he really mean it? Was he just saying that because he was drunk? I was too afraid to ask Luke about it, I didn't want to make things awkward. I was looking forward to the rest of the week, because it's winter break now. Luke's family is leaving for Disney World tomorrow, meaning Luke and I can hang out a lot.

I gave my photography presentation today, which actually went well. I was very nervous to be standing in front of people, and to show off my project. I was afraid that people would think it was lame, but everyone really liked it. Even the teacher. Because Mr.Johns is so cool, he even let Luke sit in and watch my presentation.

"Ready to present, Irwin?" Mr.Johns asked me, his green eyes looking up at me from his paper. I nodded my head reluctantly, grabbing the small stack of polaroids I had. I glanced over at Luke, and he gave me a thumbs up. I smiled back at him, and then I made my way to the projector. I sat down the first three photos I took. I took a deep breath, and began.

"Here is my perspective project. I'm doing it on a person, Luke." I began, studying my classmates faces. They were blank, but at least Mr.Johns was smiling. "This is how most people see Luke. This is how I saw him, before I got to know him." I announced, my eyes looking at the three pictures. There was a picture of Luke leaning up against his car smoking, another of him flipping off the camera, and the last picture being him looking at something off camera, with his arms crossed against his chest.

"A lot of people think Luke is this tough guy, that's badass and cool. Which he is, but he's more than that." I continued, glancing over at Luke. Then, I put on three more pictures. "But this how I see him." I added. Now, there was a picture of Luke smiling and giving the camera a thumbs up, another of holding up a brownie with a goofy grin on his face, and the last picture of Luke laughing.

People in the class went "aww", making me smile a little bit. Luke was smiling warmly, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"Luke is really sweet, and goofy. He loves penguins, and ice cream, and laughs at my terrible jokes. I'm so glad to have gotten to know Luke like this." I said. "And that's my project." I concluded. The class erupted with applause, causing me to grin. Luke cheered, putting his hands up in the air. Mr.Johns stood up from his seat, clapping his hands.

"Now that is a project! Ashton was the only one to a perspective project on a person. And it was amazing!" Mr.Johns said excitedly. "You did a great job, Ashton." He added. I grabbed my photos, and went back to my seat. My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I grabbed my phone.

Luke🐧: that was really sweet

Luke🐧: tonight I'll show you another perspective of me that only you get to see


       For someone who got left out of going to Disney World over Christmas, Luke sure was happy. He was practically skipping into his house, a huge grin on his face. I watched with amusement, as he threw his backpack off and yelled out into the empty house.

Portraits//lashtonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon