✰Fifteen: Spin the bottle

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       "Last night was amazing." Calum said to me, as he sat out unhealthy amounts of food onto the long table. Calum was having a party, and he's forcing me to attend. I know Michael is gonna be there, but I'll have Luke with me, so I won't be completely miserable. "Michael and I talked, and we're back together. And then we-"

   I put my hand up, silently cutting him off. I've heard this story many times, it's the same deal. Him and Michael talk, claim they'll stop being dicks to each other, and they have sex. And it's always "the best sex ever." I helped Calum get things together for his party, dreading the hours to come. Parties are stupid, but Calum loves them.

              "Are you and Luke fucking yet?" Calum asked me, causing me to roll my eyes. He's so vulgar, I don't understand why most of the time. And he seems to have this obsession with sex. "Don't roll your eyes, it's a valid question!" Calum added. I glanced away, as I sat down the pitcher of lemonade. At least that's what Calum told me it was, it could be something else.

             "I'm not just going to give up my virginity, it's important." I explained cooly, this time Calum being the one to roll his eyes. We clashed on this topic. Calum first had sex when he was fifteen, with this boy that doesn't even go to our school anymore. They'd been a thing for about two weeks, and they stopped seeing each other shortly after. Calum thinks your first time isn't that important. I disagree.

           "Clearly, you like Luke. He likes you back, and you already do stuff, so why don't you just do it?" Calum questioned. I combed my fingers through my hair, shrugging my shoulders.

          "Sex is emotional." I responded. Calum scoffed, waving a hand at me.

           "Cut the bullshit Ashton, you're just scared." Calum said, shaking his head. I frowned, looking down at the hardwood floors. Maybe he's right, but I didn't like his tone. "Hey, I didn't mean it in a bad way." He sighed.

         "You know, I'm tired of you making fun of me. You decide to be a slut, I decide to save myself for the right person." I snapped, walking away from Calum. He gasped, quickly following after me. I glanced at the clock, knowing that the party started soon, and I could talk to somebody else other than Calum.

         "I am not a slut! I can't believe you think that about me!" Calum said angrily, crossing his arms against his chest.

         "You sleep around." I huffed. His dark eyes glared at me, his lips pressing into a thin line.

             "Michael and Tom isn't sleeping around, that's called having fun." Calum corrected. "At least I don't take nudes." He hissed.

      "They're not nudes, they're—you know what, never mind." I said angrily. I ignored Calum after that, impatiently waiting for other students to arrive. Soon enough, large groups of high schoolers poured through the entrance of Calum's house, shouting and rushing towards the drinks.

               While I was waiting for Luke, I decided to try some of that suspicious looking lemonade. I raised the red cup to my lips, letting the liquid go down my throat. It burned slightly, causing me to cough a couple of times. I didn't love the taste, but I don't exactly hate it either. I finished one "lemonade" while waiting for Luke, wandering around the party area.

                Michael and Calum were dancing together, Michael's hands firmly planted on Calum's hips, the two of them swaying together to the music. I rolled my eyes, grabbing myself another lemonade. That's when Luke showed up, his eyes scanning the crowded area. I raised my arm up, waving at him. A smile was brought to his lips, as he began to make his way over to me.

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