✰One: They're not nudes!

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          I've always loved photography. I got my first camera when I was six, it was my dad's old camera that had film in it. I would run around and take pictures of everything, anything that I found interesting. I have album after album of photos, and I'm glad I have so many memories. As I got older, my photography skills got a lot better.

I got my first real fancy camera for my fifteenth birthday, a big camera with incredible zoom. But of all the cameras I have, my favorite of all of them is my Polaroid camera. I know, so hipster and cliche. But I love it. There's something about the look of polaroids that I just love.

When I found out I finally had a photography class in my schedule for senior year, I was so excited. I have yearbook and photography! That's two hours of picture taking and editing layouts. I'm a photography nerd, and that's okay. It's really the only thing I have. My parents can be quite over protective, so I don't get to do much.

I focus on my studies, and photography. That's about it. When I got to school, everything was normal as usual. This kid named Luke Hemmings always parks next to me, and he leans up against his car, and smokes a cigarette. I despise cigarettes, I think they're disgusting. I grabbed my backpack and Polaroid camera, and got out of my car.

I looked at Luke, taking in his appearance. He seemed like the kind of person that my parents wouldn't want me hanging around. He wore mostly dark shirts with black skinny jeans, snapbacks, and he had a black lip ring. There's also the fact that he smokes.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer, babe." Luke said sarcastically.

"Okay." I responded, shrugging my shoulders. I raised my camera up, and snapped a picture of Luke smoking. He flipped me off, and I rolled my eyes. "You're so classy, Luke." I groaned.

"Thanks, I try." Luke sneered. He took a drag from his cigarette, and blew out the smoke.

"You know how bad those are for you? You could get lung cancer, or throat cancer, or ruin your gums and teeth-"

"I've heard the rundown from lots of other people, princess. I don't need some stuck up brat to tell me how bad these things are. At least I'm not some nerd that runs around with a camera. You probably spy on people." Luke snapped angrily. I felt a little hurt by his words. I do not spy on people, that's just creepy! And why does he call me pet names?

I looked down at my shoes, and I sighed. I put my camera away into my bag, and took a deep breath.

"Look here, mister-" I began, before Luke cut me off.

"What? Are you gonna stand up for yourself? How cute." Luke spat.

"You're just a-a jerk that-that is stupid!" I stammered. He looked serious for a moment, then he burst into laughter. I didn't expect it. I realized it was condescending laughter, he was making fun of me.

"I really learned my lesson, kid." Luke said, throwing his cigarette onto the ground. He stomped and it, and he adjusted his SnapBack. I glared at him, as he walked towards the school building. Why was he so mean? I just wanted to make sure that he knew how much he was damaging his lungs, and I didn't want him making fun of me.

"Fine! I don't wanna talk to you anyways!" I shouted after him, sounding incredibly lame. Luke didn't look back, all he did was raise his hand in the air and flip me off again. I hate how he always had the last word.


"And that leaves Luke, and Ashton." My physics teacher announced. Luke and I shared the same annoyed look, when we were named as partners. "What you will be doing, is going over your study guides." The teacher explained. He told us to meet with our partners. Luke got up from his seat, and sat in the chair next to me.

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