.Rise and Fall. (48)

Start from the beginning

"Let me go Zac. I want to rip off her fake make up face", Sarah struggled to get out of his hold yelling, but he was too strong for her.

Zac's demeanour totally changed. He was glaring so dangerously at Kathleen that she even gulped. "Anything but not my girl Demon", he warned pointing his index at her. Then he turn to Stella who was encountering the whole scene silently. "Teach your bimbo to shut the fuck up when she need to Arrington."

"Tell your friend to stop calling my bestfriend names Nicky", Stella ordered instead. What the hell?

"He is right. She fucking need to stuff stinky socks down her throat", Nick said in a hard tone with no emotion. The boys burst out laughing, including Sarah. Stella looked at him without blinking for a minute like she couldn't digest what he said.

"Kath drop it", Stella said at last which only made Kath stood up frustrated and pulled Alex with her. Poor guy.

"Alex you need to snap out of it and open your headlights. Stop being a pussy", Jason yelled behind him but he was already dragged inside the house.

Jason rubbed his face before taking a sip from his beer and then hang his head low. "I can't believe I lost my bestfriend to that bitch." Mason pat his back shaking his head.

"Whats wrong with you guys? Suddenly, defending the charity cases", Sasha stood up looking mad like she was holding back all for a long time. 

"You were lot less annoying with your mouth shut Peters. Keep it that way", Zac warned.

"Fuck you Jones. What happened to the guy grabbing asses of girls on the hallway?", she scoffed then turn to us. "And you Nick, if you're using her to make Stella jealous. Cut the crap. We all know how much you..."

"Sasha", Stella cut her off.

Nick was shaking with anger.

"Don't stop me today Stella. I know if Nick has ever hooked up with a girl more than once is you."

My stomach swirled up into emotions of hurt, jealously, disappointment and so many things I couldn't explain. Overall, I had an uneasy feeling while Nick was all stiff behind me. I dropped the hand my hand holding his. I thought they were only childhood friends like he says all the time.

"What happened innocent little Serena? Nick didn't tell you yet. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Poor girl. We all.."

"Enough Sasha! Let's go", Stella yelled pulling her with her inside the house too.

No one said anything for a minute. It was getting awkward. Of course she was far better than me. I shouldn't feel anything because he slept with many girls. But the fact that they are so close was bugging my mind and then again, that's okay because we are not together, right? 

Everyone started to leave. Some went to their tents while some inside the house. Sarah gave a small smile before following Zac. I knew she wanted me to talk with him but I didn't feel like.

"R-Rena...", he called softly. I turned around to face him and plastered a smile like nothing happened. "Yeah."

He was surprised to see me smiling but he started anyway, "I... Stella..."

I put my finger on his lips to stop him from explaining. "Can we talk about this later. I'm tired and I want to sleep", I said.

He was unsure but nodded anyway.

"Uh... Nick?"

"What is it? Do you want me to carry you if you're tired?"

I shook my head laughing. "Of course not, I'm capable of walking. I was going to ask you if I can sleep in the tent tonight."

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