His eyebrows raised, questioning my answer. I become anxious and subconsciously hold my legs tighter to my body. "And your thighs?" He asks suspiciously.

My breath hitches, "W-what? N-no I d-don't do-"

"Because the way you're clinging to your legs like you're never going to see them again, says otherwise." He spits, cutting me off.

"No! I-I swear!" I plead.

Levi cocks his head to the side and his skeptical eyes narrow, "Really? Then you'd be totally comfortable with showing me."

A gasp forces itself down my throat, he has nothing to trigger the wary thought and he's not gonna let me out of this one. He'll be so mad, I broke my promise. Tears begin to form and a lump rises in my throat restricting me from speaking. The more I think, the more the stinging pain on my legs increases, the sense of blood slowly seeping through the cuts become stronger and I give in. I let my legs go and straighten them on the bed.

Levi watches with care as I slowly roll up my shorts. Right before the first of the cuts appear I whimper, "I'm sorry..."

Line by line, cut by cut, Levi's face becomes more and more desolate. When both sides are exposed, the tears I was barely holding back, overflowed. I can say that this shame digs deeper than any knife ever could.

"I know I promised I'd come to you but..." I pause as an epiphany occurs, "...I have no excuse." My voice trails off and I quickly get off the bed. "I know you're mad and you have every reas-"

My wrist gets grabbed again and I'm turned to face Levi who also jumped off the bed, "I'm not mad." He clarifies, "I'm just...... worried." He whispers as he holds my wrist. Both our eyes gaze down at my legs and notice a small trail of blood beginning to run down from the cut that went a little too deep. "Jesus Christ come on." Levi hisses as he pulls me behind him out of my bedroom and into the tiny bathroom across the hall. He closes the door and points at the counter, "Sit."

I obey and sit on the sink counter, my feet dangling off the side. Levi opens a few drawers and found a white washcloth. He wets it in the sink and wedges himself between my legs. He was so close I felt his breath on me and my heart races. With a sigh, he pushes up my shorts a little more to get access to the wounds. He then presses the cloth onto them, gently dabbing and washing the blood away. I wince at the stinging sensation of the red, sensitive skin being touched. He moves to the other leg and wipes up the trail of blood going down my thigh. "Dammit, this one is deep you idiot." He mutters and presses the cloth on the deep gash.

I hiss at the pain and tense up, I reflexively grab his wrist. He looked up and our eyes met. Our faces were mere inches apart making butterflies dance in my stomach. My face heats up and I let go of his wrist to let him finish his work.

"I'm sorry..." I mumble, watching his hands, and look the tattoo that wrapped around his right arm. It's not like I haven't seen it before, but I use it as a distraction, anything to avoid eye contact. However, as I do this, I was able to get a closer look at the details.  A silver sword ran down his forearm. where a small swallow sat on the hilt. A series of green vines knotted and twisted around his arm with scattered bright red roses, that stood out on his pale skin. I could only describe it as.... stunning.

My mind was going a million miles too quick to even find a starting point of a coversation. "I do-...I don't really know what to say... o-other than I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to be dealing with me... w-with this. All I do is cause trouble for everyone... *sniffle*... and b-burden yo-"

Suddenly Levi inhales sharply through his nose, interrupting me. His hand clenches in a small fist but he relaxes it not a second after, resting it flat on the counter next to my sore thigh. He seems to ponder over some words, supressing his urge to raise his voice at me. "If you keep rambling on with that bullshit... I will start to get mad."    

More Than a Coincidence (An Ereri/Riren fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now