Chapter 31- An Unexpected Guest

Start from the beginning

Amara felt tears begin to stream down her face as she watched Legolas proclaim his love in her mother's language. She looked to see Gimli mouthing the words to Legolas and nodding along. She mouth thank you to the dwarf before turning back to Legolas.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." Gandalf pronounced before quietly saying, "you can kiss her now." to Legolas. Legolas immediately took Amara's face in his hands and kissed her passionately.

The crowd erupted in cheers, standing up as the happy couple walked down the aisle hand and hand.


The reception afterwards was a night to remember for Legolas and Amara, but not for good reason.

They greeted each guest and friend, walking around the courtyard hand in hand. The air was filled with laughter and song. Amara couldn't stop smiling.

Then Legolas nudged her slightly and nodded in the direction of a darkened corner of the courtyard. Her smile faded as she recognized Legolas' father standing in the shadows. Tranduil watched them both, his piercing blue eyes unblinking.

"I wasn't aware he was coming." Amara murmured.

"Neither was I." Legolas admitted.

"Shall we go say hello?"

"It's only polite..." Legolas led Amara over to Tranduil.

"Father, it's good to see you. I wasn't sure if you'd come." Legolas greeted his father. "And you've met Amara I believe."

"King Trandruil." Amara bowed her head slightly.

"Legolas, I believe you misunderstand my reasoning behind coming. I do not come with good tidings."

"Then why is it you've come?" Legolas asked tensely.

"I have come to formally banish you from the Woodland realm." Trandruil said simply.

"Father! I'm heir to the throne, you cannot merely banish me."

"I can and I will. I will not allow my realm be tainted by dwarf blood. So either you leave this half life and come home, or you no longer have a home."

Tears threatened to spill down Amara's cheeks. She had endured being spat at and called hybrid her whole life, but never had she felt so much hate from one person. And that person had to be her father in law.

"You will apologize to my wife." Legolas said through clenched teeth.

"You've made your decision then. I will then find a new heir to take your place. I will make it clear tbat you are no longer welcome in Greenwood. Goodbye Legolas."

"Goodbye, Tranduil." Legolas said coolly. The king nodded and strutted away from Amara and Legolas, leaving the courtyard.

"I'm sorry, Legolas." Amara murmured. Legolas immediately whipped around and placed his hands on Amara's shoulders.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. He is small minded. And that is not your fault." Amara stepped away from Legolas.

"But it is, Legolas. You just lost your home. Your family."

"You are my family, Amara. My home  is with you." Amara shook her head and bit her lip. When she looked back up at Legolas, she had tears in her eyes.

"I can't let you give everything up for me."

"If that's what I must do, then I will my love." Legolas pulled her into a tight hug, kissing the top of her head. "Do not cry, this is meant to be a happy day." He murmured.

They joined the party soon after, Amara having dried her eyes and put on a smile. Gimli walked up to the two, smiling drunkenly.

"My father will fall over dead when I tell him Amara Silverhood has finally settled down." He laughed. "Keep a tight hold on her, princeling, she likes to run off."

"I think you've had too much ale, son of Gloin." Amara said, taking the dwarfs half finished pint from his hands. Glimi protested, reaching to grab it but Amara held it above her head.

The dwarf jumped for it, and nearly got it, except Legolas plucked it from Amara's hand and held it even higher. Gimli threw his hands up in surrender and walked away, grumbling. Legolas set the pint to the side and grabbed Amara's hands.

"Come, my love. Let us dance away the night." He said as Merry and Pippin climbed onto a table and began belting out an old Shire song. Everyone broke out into joyful dancing to the beat of the music.

There was not a person in the courtyard without a smile on their face as the laughter echoed all around Amara. For the first time, she had everything she could have hoped for, and more.

Love. Friendship. Family.

All was well for Amara Silverhood.


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