Chapter 7- Hope Lost

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The sun began rising over the horizon, lighting up the path of Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli. Legolas suddenly stops running and looks back at the morning light, finding it red and the sky was pink.

"A red sun rises. Blood has been spilled this night." He said quietly.

The three continue running.  Aragorn paused to look at tracks on the ground when the sounds of neighing and thundering hooves filled the air.  He beckoned for the others to follow him as they hide behind some rocks.

A large group of horses and horsemen thunder past them over the brow of the hill.  Aragorn comes out of hiding, followed by Legolas and Gimli.

"Riders of Rohan......what news from the Mark?" He shouted.

The head of the group raises his spear and the horsemen circle round and gallop back to the three and circle round them, spears drawn. He rides through the men, and stops in front of them.

"What business does an Elf, a Man and a Dwarf have in the Riddermark? Speak quickly!"

"Give me your name, horse-master, and I shall give you mine." Gimli inquired.
The rider dismounts from his horse and walks towards Gimli.

"I would cut off your head, Dwarf......if it stood but a little higher from the ground."

 Legolas quickly draws an arrow and aims for his head head.

"You would die before your stroke fell."
The Rohirrim point their spears at Legolas. Aragorn steps between him and the leader and holds Legolas' arm down.

"I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn. This is Gimli, son of Gloin, and Legolas of the Woodland Realm. We are friends of Rohan and of Theoden, your king."

"Theoden no longer recognizes friend from foe." He takes off his helmet, revealing the face of Eomer "Not even his own kin." He motions for the Rohirrim to raise their spears. "Saruman has poisoned the mind of the king......and claimed lordship over these lands.

"My company are those loyal to Rohan. And for that, we are banished. The White Wizard is cunning.He walks here and there, they an old man hooded and cloaked. And everywhere, his spies slip past our nets." He eyes the three. 

"We are no spies. We track a party of Uruk-hai westward across the plain. They have taken two of our friends captive."

"The Uruk hai are dead. We slaughtered them in the night." Eomer responded.

"But did you see two hobbits? There were two hobbits with them." Gimli pressed.

"They'd be small. Only children to your eyes." Aragorn explained.

"We left none alive. We piled the carcasses and burned them." He points to a smoking pile behind them.

"Dead?" Gimli asked.

"And there was a maiden. She was tracking them just ahead of us. Did you see her?" Legolas asked.

"Blonde hair. Elven ears." Aragorn described. Eomer froze, a pained look on his face.

"You've seen her?" Gimli asked.

"I did... for a moment."

"What happened to her?" Legolas pressed. Eomer turned his gaze towards the elf.

"She's dead." He said sorrowfully. Legolas looked down in horror and grabbed Gimli by the shoulder. Aragron let out a heavy sigh and put a hand over his eyes to hide the tears.

"I am sorry. I tried to save her but her wounds were too great."

There was silence before Eomer walked over to his horse. He untied one of the saddle bags.

"I believe these are hers." He passed the large bag over to Aragorn, who opened it. He pulled out Amara's longbow and arrows, then her belt of daggers.

"Thank you." He murmured, passing the bag to Legolas. The elf removed her bow and inspected it carefully. Eomer called two horses over.

"Hasufel! Arod! May these horses bear you to better fortune than their former masters. Farewell." Eomer puts back on his helmet and mounts his horse. 

"We burned the bodies, but your friend we left untouched. She deserves a burial but we had no time. Look for your friends. But do not trust to hope. It has forsaken these lands." He shouts to his men "We ride north!"

Aragorn And Legolas rode their horses over the hill to see the burning pile of Uruk corpses. As they neared them, Gimli jumped down from Legolas' horse and began digging through the carcasses.

Legolas dismounted his horse along with Aragorn. The elf searched the area for Amara but she was nowhere to be found. Gimli stepped away from the pile.

"It's one of their wee belts." He said, holding it up for the other two to see. Aragorn turned and kicked a lone helmet, letting out a scream of anguish and fell to his knees. He looked at the ground before him.

"A hobbit lay here. And the other. He murmured. Aragorn stood up slightly and stepped forward.

"And Amara. She was standing. Then she fell." His hands picked through the grass, coming up with a long blonde braid. "Her hair..." His eyes continued to follow her movement.

"She cut her bounds and stood up." He stared at the imprinted grass, following the small trail, before coming to a stop.

"This is where she died." He stated, looking at the blood that covered the ground.

"Then where is she?" Legolas snapped. Aragorn looked at the elf in surprise. 

"I'm sorry. I just...i just can't believe she's dead.." His voice cracked and he still gripped her bow in his hand.

"I don't know where she is..." Aragorn said quietly, his eyes going back to where the hobbits imprints where.

"They crawled." He walked through the field, following the trail.

"They're hands were bound." He said, then bent down and picked up a length of rope.

"Their bounds were cut." He started to run. "The trail leads away from the battle." He stops with Legolas and Gimli following.

"And into Fangorn Forest."

"What madness drove them in there?"  Gimli asked. 

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