Chapter 2- The Mountain Pass

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Amara wandered a bit further away from the Fellowship and placed her bag on the ground. They had made camp and everyone mingled around and talked to one another, but Amara hadn't said more than ten words since they had left.

She perched herself up on the top of a pointed rock, her eyes searching the air for anything suspicious. Below her, the rest of the Fellowship were settling down to rest.

"Good, very good." Boromir complimented as he dueled with Merry and Pippin.

"Move your feet." Aragorn instructed.

"You look good Pippin." Merry said.
"Thanks." Pippin said as Merry joined in. San and Frodo watched them with smiles on their faces.

"If anyone was to ask for my opinion, which I note that they're not, I'd say that we were taking the long way round." Gimli complained. "Gandalf, we could pass through the Mines of Moria.  My cousin Balin would give us a royal welcome." Amara tensed at the name Balin. She hadn't seen him for so long.

"No Gimli, I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice." Gandalf responded, his eyes shadowed.

Amara's eyes catch sight of a grey cloud in the distance. She tilts her head and tries to make out what it is. Light steps sound behind her.

"What do you see?" Legolas asked quietly, lowering down next to Amara. Without a word, she points to the mass. Legolas stands fully and peers at it.

Meanwhile, Boromir's sword slips and he cuts Pippin's hand with his sword. Pippin drops his sword.

"ARGH!" Pippin cried.

"Sorry!" Boromir steps forward to look at Pippin's hand, but Pippin kicks Boromir in the leg.

"Get him!" Merry cheered and joined in on the fight. The two hobbits wrestle Boromir to the ground and jump on him. Aragorn lets out a small chuckle.

"For the Shire." Pippin declares. "Hold him, hold him down Merry!" Aragorn stands up and grasps the hobbits arms.
"Gentlemen, that's enough!" Merry and Pippin grab Aragorn's legs, throwing him backwards onto the ground.

"You've got my arm... argh!... you've got my arm." Pippin said.

Sam stands up and notices that the cloud looking like dark specks is moving towards them.

What is that?" He asked.

"Nothing, its just a whisp of cloud." Gimli muttered. Boromir paused from the scuffle looks up.

"Its moving fast.... against the wind." He said. Amara lets out a gasp and jumps up.

"Crebain! From Dudland!" Legolas cried. Then chaos ensued. Everyone rushed to pack up and leave no trace that they were there.

 "Hide!" Aragorn shouts.  


"Frodo! Take cover!"

They all run gathering their things and dousing the fire, and dash under the rocks out of sight.

A great flock of black crows flies over them. Amara remained still next to Legolas, her breath almost non-existent. The birds circle then fly off again. There was silence before anyone began to move.

Amara pushed the branches to the side and climbed out of her hiding place then turned and grasped Legolas' arm and helped him out.

"Spies of Saruman. The passage south is being watched. We must take the Pass of Caradhras." Gandalf announces. Amara looks up at the snowy peaks and a chill runs through her.

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