Chapter 12- The Way To Helm's Deep

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Amara mounted a beautiful golden brown horse, patting his make gently. Gimli clambered up after her, sitting behind her. The horse reared its head back.

"Shi mor kaeli oli." {Be still gentle one} Amara soothed. The horse calmed. Eowyn walked up and smiled at the elf-dwarf.

"You and Aragorn both have the same gift, I see. Where you raised up around Elves as well?" She asked.

"I am one, my lady." Amara answered simply. Eowyn looked at her confused as the people began to move. Amara flicked the reigns lightly to keep in step with Eowyn.

"Forgive me, but you do not seem-" She was cut off by Gimli's laughing.

"I do believe you forgotten your best quality, Amara."

"Ah yes, how could I forget? I am also part Dwarf, my lady. A far more superior race than the elves." Amara laughed, looking back at Gimli.

"I do take offense to that." Legolas called back to the two.

"You should!" Gimli called back while Amara remained silent. Legolas turned around, a smirk on his face. It disappeared as he met Amara's eyes.

"So your father was a dwarf then?" Eowyn asked.

"My mother actually." Eowyn frowned.

"Huh, come to think of it I dont believe I've ever met a dwarf woman before."

"You know it's true, you don't see many Dwarf women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance......that they're often mistaken for Dwarf men." Gimli cut in. Amara laughs as Eowyn smiles and looks back at Aragorn, riding his horse.

"It's the beards." He gestures to an imaginary beard on his chin.

"I can hear you Aragorn. And I can detest to that." Amara called back. Eowyn grins and looks back to Gimli.

"This, in turn, has given rise to the belief......that there are no Dwarf women......and that Dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground..."

Eowyn laughs and Gimli laughs too.

"Which is, of course, ridiculous." He throws his hands up. His sudden movement spooked the horse and it bolted ahead. Gimli to the ground as Amara pulled the horse to a stop. Eowyn quickly runs to help the dwarf up.

"It's all right. Nobody panic. That was deliberate. It was deliberate." Gimli reassured. Amara and Eowyn laugh as they try to help the dwarf back onto the horse.

The horse, not having any of it, galloped away from the dwarf, sending him falling again. Amara laughs loudly, grasping Gimli's arm to pull him up. The horse bolts again and this time Amara falls off too.

She let out a groan as she lands on her stomach.

"Are you alright?" Eowyn asked, worriedly. Amara rolled over, laughing hard as she sat up. Gimli joined in, soon followed by Eowyn.

Legolas walks up, leading the horse by the reigns. He bent to help Amara up but she brushed him away and stood up.

"I think that's enough riding for you today, Gimli." She laughed, refusing to look the elf in the eye. Gimli grumbled and began walking. Amara climbed back onto the horse and rode up next to him and Eowyn.

"Amara. Can I speak with you?" Legolas' voice drifted over to her. She knew he was speaking quietly so that only her elf ears could pick up the sound.

Amara slowed her horse until he was in step Legolas. .


"Do not push away my friendship because you do not feel the same way I do." He murmured, looking straight ahead. Amara remained silent. She saw Legolas' ears twitch slightly, picking up a noise that she couldn't.

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