Chapter 1- Rivendell Calls

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When Amara awoke from her dream, her cheeks were stained with tears and her heart was aching from it's newly formed break. Her eyes looked to the sky to find it still dark but dawn was quickly approaching.

Her small camp was quickly packed into her bag and the hybrid began walking. Amara's feet did not need direction from her as she was lost in her own mind. So quickly had the dream faded but yet her lost love's words still hung on.

"It's time..." His voice echoed in her head as she walked. For years now she took to wandering Middle-Earth, never stepping the same place twice. But today, she found herself looking up at a very familiar sight.

Rivendell. Though Amara hadn't been there since she traveled with Thorin's company, it still looked as it did back then. Her feet directed her up the smooth stone stairs into a court yard. There waiting for her was an old friend.

"Amara! You are just in time, my dear." The gray wizard exclaimed, smiling widely down at the woman.

"Gandalf...?" She questioned but the wizard merely placed a hand on her shoulder and led her deeper into Rivendell.

"My dear, I am so happy you made it. In all honesty, I had no clue where you were staying these days so I sent letters all over. I'm just glad one found you."

Letter? What letter? She wondered. Amara opened her mouth to speak but Gandalf interuppted her.

"Now I've already got your room accommodation. You can clean up and change out of those travel worn clothes then join the council. It begins at precisely twelve. Don't be late." Gandalf pushed her into a small room.

Amara looked around. It contained a bed, wardrobe, and desk. Not much was special about it bit Amara didn't care about the room. She needed answers.

Her feet took her to the desk where she looked into the mirror that hung on the wall. Her eyes were tired. Her hair, a mess. A layer if dirt covered her face. Amara poured a bit of water in the basin that sat on the table and splashed it on her face, scrubbing lightly. The water dripped back into the basin, now stained brown.

She dried her face and walked over to the wardrobe, finding it filled with elven dresses. All much to big for her. A sigh left her lip and she closed the door.

Amara instead changed into another outfit in her bag: a green tunic with an armored corset and brown skin tight trousers. She secured her cloak back around her shoulders and slipped on her tall back boots. Next came her weapons. A sword secured around her hip. Three knives, one on her thigh, one in her boot, and one at her waist. A bow and quiver full of arrows strapped against her back. She wrapped arm guards from her wrist up to her elbows.

One quick glance outside told Amara that it was nearly midday so she pulled her hood up and ventured outside. She had to find Gandalf before the council began.

Amara found him sitting on a stone bench with five hobbits. Three sat across from him while the other two sat with him. Her quiet steps led her up behind the old wizard.

"Excuse me, Gandalf. Sorry to interrupt but I must speak with you." He turned and smiled.

"Of course, Amara. Please come round in front of me." She moved so she was between him and the the three hobbits.

"Now, the matter I must discuss is-"

"Amara God it's been too long." She turned so see an old white haired hobbit sitting to the left of Gandalf. His familiar eyes sparkled brightly, "and age has obviously been much kinder to you than to me."

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