Minilan- Dysphoria is a Bitch Parts 1 & 2

Start from the beginning

"You're still Lachlan, you're still my beautiful boyfriend no matter what your brain tells you or you think. Sometimes, it's gonna happen and I'm going to be there when it does." I smiled, dropping my head into his chest. He always made me feel better about myself, no matter how down I was.

"You're beautiful, you're an amazing boyfriend and an amazing person and you're so, so special to me."


"Lachy? You awake hun?" I mumbled something in return, squirming around for a few seconds. "I'll take that as a no."

A few minutes later Simon poked me again.

"We gotta get up baby, it's almost noon."

"Don't care." My voice was slurred with sleep, my eyes still refusing to open.

I whined as Simon pulled away from me, taking half of the covers with him and falling to the floor with a thud. I heard him stand and then start to get dressed, his wardrobe opening and shutting a few times before he crawled back onto the bed.

"Are you feeling better this morning?" I sighed but in all honesty, I did feel better. I still didn't want to get up, I still felt like crap but it wasn't as bad as the disaster of yesterday.

"I guess... still feel like crap though." I felt his hand on my back, his cold fingers making me jolt and yelp.

"No! You asshole Simon!" I fell from the bed with a thud, scowling over the edge of the blankets.

"Come on, breakfast. You didn't have dinner last night and if I know you, I know that you need to eat. Now come on!" He was still grinning at me, which meant he was joking.

He pulled me to my feet, taking my hand and dragging me down the stairs, into the kitchen where I could hear the chattering of several others. Simon, his hand still in mine, looked back up at me and smiled.

"You look amazing okay, no matter what you think. You look like you." I smiled at him, squeezing his hand back. And with that we both pattered into the kitchen.

Vikk, Josh and JJ were all in the kitchen, eating a late breakfast with several empty mugs of coffee on the counter in front of them. Vikk nodded at me as we walked in, pushing a full and steaming mug towards me with his lips turned up in a smile with happy eyes.

"Good to see you up, there's bread on the bench if you want toast." I slipped into the seat beside him, desperate to avoid Josh and JJ's eyes because I knew they were staring at me.

They didn't know about me of course, only about Simon's relationship with me and they were fine with that but I couldn't tell them. I was only just becoming used to the support and I didn't want to destroy that by telling them about everything else. The only reason they didn't know was because I was passing so well, as I had been unusually tall for a girl and, thankfully, never very curvy at all.

Simon headed for the toaster and placed 4 slices in, 2 for each of us and then slid into the only remaining seat, which meant that we were separated by two seats, filled by Vikk and JJ.

There was silence for a few minutes, only broken by people quietly sipping from mugs and the tapping of Josh and JJ scrolling through their phones before the popping of the toaster startled up into moving. Simon buttered the toast and sent a plate sliding across the bench towards me, winking before sitting back in his seat.

There was silence again as we ate and eventually, after both JJ and Josh finished their coffee, they slipped from the kitchen and out of earshot. I sighed happily, as it was a lot less tense once they left.

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