The Beginning

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Before he could adjust to the beam of light that distorted his vision he was enveloped in a bone crushing hug. After the shock had worn off John looked up and recognized the only slightly aged face of his best friend. John threw himself at James and they embraced another hug, and not those little guy hugs that boys do. James patted John on the back and welcomed him in.

John looked around mouth agape trying to come out of the trance that the house has put him in. He unconsciously pulled out the communication device and advised his wife that he was on his way to get her and the kids and that she was not going to believe what he had found.

James gave him a couple of small cubes that didn't really look like much. His eyes met his best friend with his best confused face. James tells him the blue cube is a hover board that him and his family can all fit on that is programed to bring them back to the treehouse. The red cube contains a fully automated elevator that will help him get into the treehouse from the ground without climbing the tree. Last but not least the green cube will be where the hovercraft will be stored. James laughs wholeheartedly at the relieved look he received from John since he had to climb the tree before and now he wouldn't have to and neither would his wife.

He got back to the top of the stairs taking the particle beam this time now that he knew he wouldn't get trapped. Once back in the treehouse he squeezed the red cube as he was advised and dropped it right outside of the treehouse and before it hit the ground and an ancient elevator started to grow from it. He stepped in after it had established itself on the ground and made his way down. Once he made it to the bottom he squeezed the blue cube and placed it on the ground and stepped back. Nothing happened at first. There were just a couple of clicking noises then a huge flat craft with cushioned seats sprang from the cube. He climbed on and pressed the retrieve button that took him to the edge of the forest where he had left his family.

He knew exactly when he made it from under the protection of the dome. The blistering heat that he had grown accustomed to weighed down on his tired body. He quickly hopped of once the hover board came to a stop. The kids hopped out one by one. The eldest son Sebastian or Bastian for short was the first to come out and stand by his dad. Then the second oldest and only girl Samantha or Sammy for short. She stepped out and leaned back in to help her younger brother out. The youngest of the triplets was Seth. They all stayed out at the hovercraft to help their mom out since she was having difficulty. They doted on her hand and foot. When they found out they were getting siblings they felt that she was fragile with her pregnancy belly round with their new edition. Once they all had piled on to the hover board with their own infinity bags he walked towards their hovercraft and squeezed the green cube then placed it on top of the hovercraft and watched as almost magically the green cube stretched over the craft swallowing it whole then returning back to its small cube shape. He pocketed the cube and turned to the shocked faces of his family. He shakes his head and smiles telling them this was only the beginning of their surprises. They made it back to the treehouse everyone gets off of the hover board and it goes back to a cube as if it feels that its purpose has been fulfilled. They then make their way up the elevator to the opening of the treehouse. The children were hesitant never having seen one before and held their mom back from the unknown dangers. Only with the reassurance of their dad and the promise that they can haunt him forever if they died did they allow themselves and their mom to enter the elevator. John pressed the first button and they were taken to the deck of the lookout. He then pressed the second button once everyone was out and the elevator returns to its natural cube state. The kids bounce up and down with excitement even though they live in a world of technology they had never been around things this far advanced they pleaded to hold the cubes promising not to squeeze them. John gave in passing over the cubes as they entered the particle beam that would take them underground. The beam greeted them the same way it greeted him on his first trip down.

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