Chapter 18

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  I got out of my daze to Damion standing in front of me with the knife in hand. HE was in front is Damion. Both of them in fighting stance.
  I was still pale and frozen in place; so all I could do is watch.
  "Don't touch her like that EVER again...." HE growled in anger.
  "Such big talk for such a little man....." Damion said.
  Damion uses his knife and tries to slash HIM but HE jumped away. HE dodged every attack Damion made for a while, until HE found HIS opening and went for taking the knife out of Damions hands.
  They both struggled on the ground for a bit. But Damion realized that HE was gonna win and get the knife; so Damion quickly got up an rushed to me to use me as a hostage.
  But he did the get too close, cause as soon as he got close enough; I knew him where the sun don't shine. Then I punched him hard with me right fist. Which in turn, made Damion knocked out cold.
  "BOSS!" The Cloverfield men exclaimed.
  The Cloverfield men gathered closer to HIM and I. Forcing HIM and I to go back to back.
  HE and I got in fighting stance. One of the Cloverfield men got impatient and rushed in. HE swiftly stabbed the guy in the gut.
         The party got started....
  One by one the Cloverfield men fell dead. And more an more did HIM an I got drenched in blood.
  The last one fell with a massive blow from the both of us. At this point, color finally came back to my face. And I can fully moved now.
  HE grabbed my waist and gently smashed HIS lips on mine. HE started kissing me passionately.
  I pushed HIM back and HE stood in that spot. Then I remembered a sweet memory of the MAN standing in front of me.
  I was left in peace for a while after HE had had HIS fun with buying me, shoving things in my pussy, and whipping me.
  Then I hard the door open an close.
  I held my breath, waiting for more pain to come my way, but none did. Instead, I was slowly being lowered to the ground. As soon as my feet touched the floor, a pair of strong arms, gently picked me up and took the chains off.
  After the chains were off, I was gently set down on a warm blanket. HE held onto me for a minute.
  "It's okay..... I'm not gonna hurt you....But you have to promise to not runaway and not say anything bout this." HE gently said to me.
  I nodded my head And HE took the gag an blindfold off.
  I saw a gentle looking man, bout my age, with brown eyes and dark skin.
  "Twins?" I whispered.
              *End of Flashback*
  That same gentle looking man stands right there in front of me.
  'Damn HIM......Damn HIM' I thought as I approached HIM and......


Hey guys, Thank you so very much for reading my book and joining me of Madam Scorpions journey.

But I have a little something for you to do.......

You have to put in your predictions on what is gonna happen next in the comments below.......

I will not publish another chapter until ya do.....

I would really like to know what my readers think is gonna happen :)

Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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