The next baby wasn't as painful for her, it only took a couple of minutes before the head came out.

"Would you like to help pull the baby out?" The nurse asked whilst looking at Jungkook

"Yes! Yes!"

"Be quick and pull some gloves on then" she giggled, I've never seen him move so fast as in a few seconds he was sat at the end of Nayeon and helping guide our baby out. His eyes were full of amazement as he saw the second child in full. He didn't care that it was covered in blood and gunk as he held it in his arms handing it over for the nurse to clean and wrap up

"Kookie... what gender?"

"Another boy" he smiled and looked over to the two baby boys being cared for by standby nurses

"The next one is coming. Would you like to help this time?" The nurse asked and looked at me. I didn't even need to be told to get some gloves on as I ran over to get some and took over the position of the nurse. She helped guide the head out but soon left it to me, to watch my baby come to life.

Soon enough tiny baby shoulders appeared, arms, hands, tiny little fingers. The screams began, begging for the warmth of Nayeon again. I pulled the babies full body out and stared in awe.

I heard Nayeon relax completely, knowing her part was done and that she could finally rest that all babies had arrived safely.


"A girl, it's a baby girl. Two boys and a girl" the nurse came over and took the baby off me, only to wash and clean her but I still felt like a part of me got ripped away.

Jungkook pulled me into his arms, completely sobbing into my neck with happiness. I held him tight as I watched the nurses comfort the babies, giving them the warmth they craved.

"We have our family Kookie" I pulled back and cupped his face "everything is going to be fine" I placed a gentle kiss on his lips and looked over at Nayeon who was being cared for by the nurses. She smiled at me and I mouthed a thank you to her as we walked over to look at our sleeping angels.

"Do you have names yet?" Another nurse asked

"No, not yet, we wanted to see them first before we decided"


"Nayeon! Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked as she woke up from a very long sleep

"I feel very very very sore" she giggled "I'm okay though, how are the babies?"

"They're amazing. I've never seen 3 little tiny things that are so perfect in every way" I squealed with happiness

"Do you have names?"

"Yeah, we do. The oldest boy is called Minseok, the second boy is called Jungsoo and the girl is called Nayong. Each of them has a syllable that matches a parents name. Including you" Jungkook explained and I watched as tears filled her eyes.


"Yeah. Of course. Without you we wouldn't have them, this is the least we can do to honour that" I smiled

"That's so sweet. Can I see them?"

"Sure, I'll go bring them over"

I rolled over the 3 little cots and Jungkook helped her weak body sit up so she can see them

"Oh they're so beautiful. I've never seen anything so precious" she had tears in her eyes

"Would you like to hold one of them?" I asked her and watched as she looked at me with wide eyes, hope flicking through them

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