Chapter 12: stone giant and cold caves

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((Katiea POV))

I was shaken awake and opened my eyes to see Fili and Kili grinning at me way inside my comfort zone. "Rise and shine sleepin beauty~" they said in sync. I giggled and pushed their faces back. "Creepers."

I stood and noticed something, my leg was completely healed! "I can walk again!" I said happily only to have my mouth covered. "Shh, I'm happy for you but you need to keep your voice down until we get out of Rivendell." I heard Thorin whisper in my ear. "Yes sir." I whispered back.

I ran to hide in privacy and changed my clothes. I changed back into pants and a shirt. When I was done I joined the others. We all snuck out of Rivendell and where on our way. "Hey Thorin! Now that we're out of Rivendell, can I celebrate that I can walk again now?" I yelled. "Go ahead."

To my surprise I was lifted up by Fili and Kili who chanted and ran around. "KATIEA CAN WALK AGAIN KATIEA CAN WALK AGAIN!" I laughed was set down. "You three are odd ones!" I heard Balin say with a grin. I jogged back and walked next to Thorin. "I'm happy your feeling better." Thorin said tossing an arm around my shoulder. I felt a sudden stinging pain and threw his arm off of me. "Ow!" I cried. "What's wrong??" He asked. "Um...I think...I just pulled a muscle or something...I'll be alright~" I said with a nervous laugh before shrinking back to the back of the group.

Once I knew nobody was looking at me I looked at my shoulder. I had a large cut on my shoulder, "I'll sow it when we stop..." I said, wondering where it came from.

We walked for quite some time and I ended back up at the front with Fili and Kili and Dwalin and Thorin. It was great until we ended up walking on a small cliff. "Uh...sketchy..." I mumbled. I looked at Dwalin who was next to me and he looked back. "Stay close to the wall lass." I nodded. We walked along the wall but that became quite difficult once the down pour of rain started. "Ugh! I can hardly see infront of me!" I said. "Don't worry, it will stop soon!" I heard Bilbo say. Suddenly we all heard a loud crash. "This is no thunderstorm. it's a thunder battle!" I heard Balin yell. I looked at Fili. "What's a thunder battle?!?!" I said scared. Suddenly the ground shook and I almost fell from the cliff. I screamed then Dwalin grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me back up. My heart was pounding in my chest. "The stories are true..." Bofur said. I looked through the thick rain to see a large boulder flying towards the mountain we where on, then a large man like figure. "GIANTS! STONE GIANTS!" I was officially scared. I reached and held onto Kili's hand tightly. Suddenly I watched the ground we where standing on start to split. "Oh my god..." I whispered. I held onto the wall and half of our group was separated, me being with Kili, Balin and some others. "KATIEA! KILI!!" We heard Thorin yell. "THORIN!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Kili held onto me as tightly as he could. I hugged him and cried into his shirt. We felt the stone leg moving then suddenly saw as we where being hurled towards the mountain. I screamed when we hit the wall. "KATIEA! KILI!" I heard until I got the wind knocked out of me when my stomach hit the wall. I was soon being looked at and held. My vision was blurry but I could tell it was Dwalin who was lifting me. "Are you alright lass?" I was about to answer until I heard Bofur. "Where's bilbo?!?" I jumped out of Dwalins arms and looked over the edge. "Bilbo!" I screamed before reaching and taking his hands. While I pulling my foot slipped and I fell off the cliff. I screamed and grabbed onto the side next to bilbo. Suddenly Thorin swopped down and lifted bilbo to safety then me. I was shaking as I watched Dwalin lift Thorin. Once he got back on, he glared at Bilbo and I. "I thought we lost our burglars!" Bofur said in relief. "They've been lost, ever since they left home." Thorin said looking away from us. I felt my heart break. Bilbo helped me up and we followed the group.

We where all looking around the cave and I sat and looked at my shoulder again. I winced at it then grabbed my sowing stuff.

"What on earth happened?" Balin asked coming to check on me. I poked the needle through my skin and started to sow it. "To be completely honest I'm not sure, I noticed it when we first left Rivendell and Thorin touched my shoulder." Balin nodded and took a seat next to me. I finished sowing it and put my things away.

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