Chapter 3: And we're off!

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((Thorin POV))

I woke up and saw all the other dwarves starting to get ready. I looked and packed my bag completely focused until I saw Katiea's small form come into my side view. She was all dressed and had her bag on her back. I saw her trot over to Fili and Kili and start talking to them. I grinned to see her smiling and enjoying herself, though I noticed how she had her scarf back on.

We all went out to see out ponies. I felt a tug on my coat and turned to see Katiea, "should I go get Mr. Baggins?" She asked in an innocent tone. I shook my head, "I don't think Mr. Baggins is going to be joining us." She nodded slowly then turned and walked away. She was pulled aside by Balin and was asked to sign the contract. I watched as she took a very deep breath then signed her name.

She glanced my way and grinned at me when we made eye contact. I nodded and she turned to go her own way.

"Thorin!" I heard Fili behind me. "Yes?" I said giving him my attention. "There's an issue with the ponies, we have one for each of us then one in case Mr. Baggins comes. We don't have one for Katiea." I was about to respond before Katiea chimed up. "I can walk if I need to, it's no trouble." I shook my head. "You can share a pony with one of us, who that would be I don't know, but until can use Mr. Baggins pony." She nodded and trotted off to her pony. I looked to Fili grinned, "besides if the other hobbit doesn't show up them we won't have a problem." Fili nodded in agreement and walked off.

I strapped my belongings to my pony and mounted, as did all of us. "Um...this is kind of embarrassing but can I have a lift?" I heard Katiea said nervously behind me, she was shorter than the average hobbit. "I'll help ya lass." Bofur said hopping off of his pony to help her. She thanked him and got a wide smile when she mounted. It was a heartwarming childish and innocent smile. "Ever rid a pony before?" Bofur asked re-mounting. "No! But I bet it's fun!" She said with a giggle, with that we all started off to reclaim Erebor.

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