Chapter 7: Trolls

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((Katiea POV))

We all stopped and Thorin started to bark orders. He was in a really bad mood...I'm not sure why. I looked and found Balin then snuck over to him. "Mr. Balin?" He looked at me and smiled "yes?" I sighed "did something to make Thorin so angry at me? I mean I know I was kind of rude earlier but any time before that..." Balin smiled at me. "Don't think much of it, he's only worried about you, he was actually quite impressed with your skill concerning healing and stitching." I rolled my eyes "he has a funny way of showing it." I turned and walked back to help Bofur make food. "Bilbo, take these to the lads." I watched him hand Bilbo two bowls for Kili and Fili who where watching the ponies. "I'll come with you!" I chirped starting to follow until I was thrown over someone's shoulder, Thorin. "No. Your staying here where we can keep and eye on you." I started pounding on his back "put me down!!!!! I'm not a child you can't do this!!!" I swung my foot up and kicked him in the face and he dropped me on the ground near the back of the camp. "Stay there, don't move or you'll regret it." He said. "What if I need to go to the bathroom?" I said, he growled. "Hold it." My eyes widened as he walked away.

I sat on the ground, extremely board. Bofur had brought me some food, which I was extremely grateful for. I sat by myself and watched Thorin speak with Dwalin, what bugged me was that they kept glancing at me. I rolled my eyes and turned my back to them then pulled out my sword. I admired it and smiled, it was my grandfathers. Suddenly I heard Fili running back into the camp. "Thorin!!! Trolls! They have Bilbo!" "What??" He yelled. "Alright, everyone let's go!" He said grabbing his sword I sprung up and ran towards then to follow the group. "No. You stay here." Thorin said stopping me. "What?!?! Why do you think so little of me?! I'm not made of glass!" I said. "I don't have time for this!! STAY HERE!" He bellowed. I backed away, thoroughly frightened. He sighed and followed fili along with the rest of them, leaving me alone.

I sat at the camp pacing back and forth until I saw Gandalf come back to the camp. "Mr. Gandalf! You have to help! Bilbo! The company! Trolls! But! I have an idea..." I said looking up at him. He nodded and gestured me to follow as I explained my plan.

I followed closely behind as we creeped along the outskirts of the Trolls camp. There where all of the dwarves, some in bags, some being cooked. I gasped and saw the three ugly trolls.

"What do you know about cooking dwarf?" One said looking at Bilbo. "Well....the cooking them first!" He said.


All the dwarves started to yell in protest. I looked at Gandalf who was sneaking around but told me to go a little closer. I snuck down the side of the hill and managed to sneak right next to the pile of dwarves. I looked at Thorin though he didn't notice me, I sort of hid behind him. I looked and saw that Gandalf was exactly where I said he should go and wait for my signal. I knew from previous stories I've heard that trolls, turned to stone when in the sun. Luckily, we only needed to stall a little longer until the sunrise would be able to hit them.

Just then I saw one of the trolls pick up Bombur and dangle him over their mouth. "No not that one!!! He's infected!" Bilbo shouted. "You what?" The troll says.

"He's got his tubes..." Bilbo said, the troll cringed and threw Bombur back onto the pile. Then I heard a uproar from the dwarves shouting they didn't have parasites. Then I noticed Thorin kick kili in the back of the head. Then they where all shouting about their worms. I specifically heard Kili, "IVE GOT THE BIGGEST PARASITES OF THEM ALL!!" I giggled and turned to the trolls. "Well what do you suppose we do then? Let em all go?" The troll asked. "Well..." Bilbo led on.

I noticed the sun rising, I quickly grabbed a rock and stood up, easily gaining the dwarves attention but not the trolls. I climbed and stood on Thorin's stomach to get better aim. "HEY! HAVE YOU EVER EATEN A FEMALE HOBBIT!? TRUST ME WHEN I SAY WE'RE WAY BETTER THEN SMELLY DWARVES! But sadly you much to stupid to catch me" I yelled as I grabbed Ori's slingshot and shot the rock at the trolls eye causing it to yelp in pain.

"These little ferrets are taking is for fools" one yelled.

"Ferrets?!?" Bilbo and I said at the same time.

"The dawn will take you all!" I heard Gandalf shout coming into view onto a large boulder. "Perfect timing..." I whispered to myself. He slammed his staff onto the rock and split it into two allowing the sun to shine through cascading over the trolls skin turning them to stone.

All the dwarves cheered in happiness that they weren't going to die. I hopped off of Thorin and cut the dwarves in sacks loose, Thorin looked at me with a hint of anger and relief. He then turned to Gandalf. "Where where you?" Thorin asked. "Looking ahead." "What brought you back?" "Looking behind. Good thing I did." Thorin scoffed. "No thanks to your hobbits." Gandalf looked at Thorin in annoyance. "May I say that these two hobbits may have very well saved your lives. Bilbo had the mind to play for time and Katiea told me all what was going on and gave me a plan to save you!" Thorin turned to me, obviously knowing I was really the one that saved them. "Katiea! Your amazing! You hit him in the eye!" Kili and Fili yelled encasing me in a bone crushing hug sandwich. "Hahaha i can't breatheeeee" I said and they let go. I got many thanks and pats on the head, no thanks came from Thorin....what did I do?!

We all walked back to the camp to quickly gather our belongings, as I went to reach for my bag I was grasped harshly on the shoulder. It was Thorin. "Katiea I told you to stay at the camp." He said in a stone cold voice. "Well I couldn't just let you die now could I? Besides. I was going to but Mr. Gandalf insisted I came as well, so your authority over me was strongly over ruled by him." I said picking up my bag and tossing over my shoulder. "You know I don't think you have very much respect for me, I mean I know I'm a hobbit, I know I'm not a full adult. I know I'm a girl and I know I'm not royalty but you know....that doesn't make me any less than you." I stated before joining Kili and Fili as we followed Gandalf down to a mysterious cave.

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