Ch 2 Part 1: Chalkboard

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[A/N] Ugh I don't usually like putting a note in the beginning, but I have something to say. First part of this chapter is kind of boring so yeah. The second part is a little bit more... exciting ;D

"All books have weak chapters so it's okay." -My best friend J. 

Chapter 2

The moment he stepped through the doors of his house, he was attacked by Jarren and Amy. Jacen told them to shut up for a few seconds, and he went to the front windows. He peeped through the drapes and watched Ashlyn make it into her home next door safely. He let out a sigh of relief and plopped his body onto the brown velvet couch. The married couple jumped on either side of him and started to bombard the poor boy with questions.

"What's her name?"

"What did you guys do?"

"Yeah, how was your date bro?"

"Did you kiss her?"

"Give us all the details!"

Jacen understood why Amy would be squealing over his day, but he couldn't understand why his older brother was starting to act like a teenage girl. Jarren seemed to be even more excited than Amy to hear about the date. Jacen couldn' even answer the questions because the couple didn't give him any time to answer.

"Both of you shut up so I could talk," he snapped. The married couple clamped their mouth shut and started to whimper like a pair of puppies. He let out a slow breath before answering all of their questions; "Her name is Ashlyn Rose Harper. We had a picnic at the beach and it was a very interesting date. No, I didn't get to kiss her."

"Tell us more about the date," the couple whined.

Shaking his head, Jacen got up from the couch and walked towards the staircase. "No, it's okay. I don' want to lose anymore testosterone, and I think Jarren is turning into a girl already." Jacen laughed all the way up to the stairs as the couple started to throw the couch pillows at him.

The warm water washed away all of the physical evidence of their date on the beach. Jacen watched as the tiny grains of sand float towards the drain, but his mind was drifting towards the last part of their date.

After he figured out her name, they started to play around in the sand. Ashlyn wanted to build a sand castle, but they failed miserably when they tried. Somehow they ended up rolling around and got stuck in another perfect moment for their first kiss. She was lying on the ground and Jacen was on top of her. Jacen wanted that moment to be their first kiss, but Ashlyn pushed him off playfully and stated that it was time to go home.

Forty minutes ago, they were standing on Jacen's porch and Jacen questioned himself if he was going to finally kiss her then. He decided not to lean in for kiss because Ashlyn started to fidget with the sides of her dress and show signs of discomfort. They didn't kiss, but Ashlyn did do something to let him now that things were going great between them. She grabbed onto his hands, slowing intertwining all of their fingers, and gave a brief squeeze. It wasn't a kiss, but that small sign of affection was enough for caterpillars to start coming out their eggs, and crawl around his stomach.

Jacen got out of the shower and quickly got ready for bed. He found his phone lighting up on his nightstand, and read the message from his girlfriend.


From: Girlfriend <3

Don't forget to check under your bed for any monsters & there might be a few demons hiding in your closet too! I'm right next door if the evil man with horns starts to scare you! Goodnight Jacen Valencia (:

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