In The End

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Hanzo POV
I wake up curled into Jesse's chest, his curly chest hair tickling my face. I look up at him with my eyes and admire his handsome features that I have grown to love.

I move slightly and feel a weird substance on my stomach, I look down, "Oh," I say softly to myself. The residue from last night still stains my chest. I slowly turn over, facing away from Jesse.

Inch by inch I scoot off the bed, until I feel arms wrap around me and pull me back to his chest, "Where you goin darlin?" Jesse purrs, burrying his face in ny neck.

"I must," I say breaking from his grasp and standing up.

Jesse looks me up and down, I look down to see im naked, "I don know darlin, I think it looks good on ya," he winks.

I furrow my brows and head to the shower, embarrassed. He stands up and walks behind me, placing his hands on my hips and trails kisses down my neck.

I give a soft moan before I feel a sharp pain in my temples. I groan and nudge out of Jesse's grasp before closing my eyes in pain and holding a hand to my forehead.

"Oh Hanzo, you are so pathetic and useless. Look what that American has made of you. You will always dishonnor me."

"Father," I whisper. I look around the room frantically. I see Jesse, he's speaking to me.

"-nzo? Hanzo? Hanzo??" He grabs my shoulders, "Darlin are you okay?" He looks at me, concern in his eyes.

I for once in my life tell the truth about my feelings, "No," I state.

"Did you see somethin?"


"Han ya gotta tell me so I can help."

I sigh, "I heard my father, he told me..." I pause, "He told me what a disappointment I am to him."
"Is it somethin like you seeing Moira instead of Genji?" He asks.


"Come on," he puts and arm around me and takes me into the shower, "Lets get you cleaned up and then take you to Angela. We'll see if she can help," he tells me. I nod my head.
We take a shower, I zoned out the entire time. I dont even remember showering.

I dress and wait for Jesse to get ready. He looks at me the entire time, worry spread across his face.

Once ready, we head to Angelas room.


"Hey Angela, gotta minute?" Jesse asks as he walks in the door, a hand around my waist.

"Of course! What can I help you two, with?" She asks politely.

I sit on the medical table and tell Angela about my visions and about me hearing things. I tell her about some of childhood, stuff I figured could be a trigger.

"Hmm," she looks at her clipboard, "I do believe, Hanzo, you're suffering from an extreme cause of trauma or better know as PTSD, post tramadic stress disorder." She pauses and I look at Jesse, "You see, when you were tourched by Moira, I believe that the past experinces of your childhood and the tourcher has caused you to re-live some moments of those terrible experiences. The visions of your father and of Moira are added to this, making your mind race, thus leading to the 'other' side of you," she tells me and sits down in her chair.

"How can I make it stop?" I ask weakly.

"My best answer would to seak professional help. Such as a therapist, they will help talk you through your struggles and teach you ways to cope with th-"

"I know what they do," I interrupt.

"Oh okay then...that's good," she looks down at the ground.

"mHm," Jesse clears his throat and I turn to him. He nudges his head to Angela, I roll my eyes.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean for it to come off as rude," I appologies. She looks up.

"It's okay Hanzo, you're going through a lot. Just seek professional help is all I can say," she looks at me, her eyes show sadness and pity.

"Thanks Angela," Jesse stands up and smiles.

"No problem. Come back anytime," she smiles and Jesse lifts me off the table. I blush and we walk out together. I was perfectly able to get off the table myself but he insisted.

Jesse POV
We walk back into the main building and I stop infront of Hanzo and turn to face him, "Han, I think you need to go to a therapist," I say truthfully and put my hands on his shoulders.

He sighs and looks down at the ground. He reaches his hand up and places it on top of mine, "I think so too."

I place my thumb and index finger on his chin, my thumb resting below his lip. I tip his head up to look at me, "It's for the best darlin and I only want the best for ya," I say, looking into his eyes.

"Thank you," he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He pulls me in for a hug and nuzzles his head in my chest.

I wrap my arms around his waist and sway back and forth with him.

We sway for what seems like hours, until, I hear sniffling.

I look down at Hanzo, he moves his head downward so I dont see his face.
I pull away from him and grab his hand, leading him to my room, knowing he wouldnt want to be caught crying by others.

We enter and I shut the door, "Darlin, whats bothering you?" I turn around to see Hanzo holding the picture of us when we were younger.

I walk up to him. He turns around, tears in his eyes, "Why did I have to leave..." He looks up at me, "I never realised how many years I spent being less happy than I could have," he closes his eyes, a tear falling onto the picture.

"Oh Darlin," I say softly and take the picture out of his hands and replace them with mine, "All that matters is that you're here with me now, and I dont plan on leaving sugar," I cup his face with my real hand and sweep my thumb across his cheek, wiping away his tears.

He leans into my hand before looking down, "Jesse?"

"Yes SweetPea?"

"Why do you care for me? I am a murder and a monster," His eyes slowly look up at me, staring for an answer.

"I don't care for ya," I tell him and look down. I watch as his face changes to a frown, he opens his mouth to speak. I cut him off by leaning into him to capture his lips in a firery kiss.

I pull away, "It's because I love ya," I say, "Han, I love ya because you are the most handsome yet complicated. Full of love, yet, scared to show it. I love the way you smile and laugh, even if you don't do it often. I love being a part of your life. I know the past is rough, but we will get through it...Together," I move my metal hand to his waist and use my real hand to wipe his tears again.



"I...I love you too," he stands on his tip toes and kisses me, his hands wraping around my neck. It's a slow passionate kiss.

One I never want to end.

Thank you all for reading. It's been an emotional ride and I hope you all enjoyed. Thank you for reading Its Not That Bad. If you'd like to read more of my stories, I changed my name to hanzoberry.

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