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Hanzo POV
I am back in Japan with my father...It's not good.

When I got back..I..I was submitted to work and pain I've never felt before.

I was turned into something that I could never change.

I was a monster and could not control it.

My father had contacted someone by the name of Moira. She turned me into this.

She took me to her lab and experimented on me until I was the monster I am today. She gave me horns. Tusks. Claws.

I can never see Jesse again and this, this was my punishment.

Father had heard from an inside source he placed in the Overwatch headquarters. They found out about me and Jesse.

"There is no reason for a relationship like that!" He screamed at me, "I told you to not get attached to anyone. And the worse attachment you made was with a man!" He sighs, "Why do you disappoint me so?" He walked away and there enters a woman.

She was tall and thin. Her face resembled a rat. Her eyes were unique. One was blue while the other brown. Her hair was short and orange, resembling fire. She looked down at me, for I was sitting, "Follow me child," she stuck out her finger and motioned towards me. The finger, as if a snake, slithered around, a long nail attached at the end.

I followed her into a room with animals. Except, they weren't animals. They were modified versions of adorable animals.

A rabbit was locked in a cage. He turned around to face me and I saw black veins running from his eye to his ear. The rabbit seemed to smile, as if he was happy to see a new face, "That's subject 237. He was the first successful experiment of my greatest creation," she turned to me, "I hope you'll be the best after this," she chuckled and walked to a table with a bed beside it, "Lay down," she demanded.

"What?!" I spun around,

"Get on the table now," she spat. I followed her instructions and laid down on the bed.

She began to hook a machine up to me. She stuck me with several needles and I winched. She walked away from the table and grabbed a black tube.

She took the tube and hooked it up to the needle.

I watched in horror as black goo flew up into the needle and into my skin.

I arched my back slightly in pain but didn't yell out. It hurt like hell but I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of me yelling in pain. I clenched my fists tight while Moira laughed. She clicked a button on the bed and straps came out of the sides.

They held me down around my wrists, legs, torso and my forehead.

Once all of the goo in the tube was out she looked at my arm and sighed, "Looks like you'll need more," she left the table to grab something.

I stay still, strapped down and panting when she came back with a giant bottle of the goo and several empty tubes.

She filled the tubes with the goo and began to hook them up to the needles located on me.

She stuck two of them on my arms and I cried out in pain as I felt the material run through my veins. Moira laughed as I tried to jiggle the straps loose and escape.

Every movement was pure pain. The needles seemed to shift around inside me and I thrashed around.

I was a yelling and screaming mess. The pain I felt was indescribable, it was too much for me. I felt as if my soul was being ripped out. I couldn't breathe. There are no words to describe the pain I was feeling. It was pure, torture.

Suddenly the pain stopped and I gasped with pure relief. I could finally breathe.

I was a panting mad man. After god knows how long, I could breathe properly.

Moira looked over me and smiled, "You need you're rest now," She hit me with something in the room I couldn't make out. I saw it coming for my face and soon I blacked out.


I woke up in my room. It was dark. I looked over to my clock and saw it was almost 3 am.

I saw a blue glow in the room and looked around to find the source. When I turned my head I noticed the light followed wherever my head turned. I got up and noticed how cold I was, despite being fully clothed. I grabbed my arms and held them when I noticed a stabbing pain in my arms. I looked down to see black. I stood up and noticed a shift in my weight.

I felt, top heavy.

I stumbled over to my bathroom and turned on my lights. I looked in the mirror and saw a monster.

I screamed when I saw a blueish black creature staring back at me. I touched my face and saw that it was reflecting my movements.

I realized, it was me.

I had long claws that went along with my skin tone. I looked into my own eyes and saw that they were glowing a brilliant blue, almost white.

From the sight of my eyes I caught sight of my head.

I had horns.

They were blue with tints of darker blue, they stuck out of my head like limbs on a tree. I walked backwards and hit the wall.

I couldn't believe what I had become. I knew I did wrong but was it worth it?

My answer...yes. I loved Jesse and I still do. What would he think of me now?

'You're hideous Hanzo. What happened to you?'

'You use to be so cute and handsome. Now? Now you're nothing.'

I began to cry. I slid down against the wall and silently sobbed at my new form. And at the bad thoughts run through my brain.

Months go by.

Moira said I should be able to control my new appearance...nothing has changed. I am still a monster.

I was before, but now, it's on the outside too.

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