Shut Up and Listen

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Hanzo POV
What have I done? I raise my hands to my head and fall to my knees, showing everyone that I'm submitting.

"What have you done?!" Ana runs over to Lena and holds her head up.

"Im o-okay luv. He didn't mean it," her voice has an echo ring to it as she fades more. I begin to put my hands down.

"Lena I'm s-"

"Dont touch her," Zarya demands, "You've done enough today," she picks up Lena and Ana stands up beside her.

"Come on, we'll take her to Angela," Ana says and begins to walk away.
I sit on my knees in the floor as I watch people look at me and leave.

A few minutes pass and I notice everyone leaves except for McCree. I look up at him and then stand up, turning around to leave as well.

Wanting nothing more than to isolate myself.

He grabs my arm and I flinch. He looks at me and frowns, "Darlin, I'm not going ta hurt ya," he says softly.

"I don't know that," I say ripping away from his grasp and walk towards my room.

"Hanzo wait," he runs and catches up with me. I ignore him and approach my room, McCree following close behind.
"I wish to be alone McCree."

I walk faster and try to shut the door but he puts his foot in between the door and pushes it open, "I just want to tal-"

"What is there to talk about! Everyone here is now afraid of me! I hurt Lena!" I scream.

"I'm not scared of ya."

"You should be. I cant control my anger in this form," I say looking down at my shaking hands.

"Hanzo, ya didn't mean to hurt Lena. This is Moira's fault and nobody elses," he lifts my chin up to look at him. I pull my head away, ashamed of how I look at the moment.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"I'm a monster," I say as a tear falls down my cheek.

"No no no," he hugs me, "Dont cry sweet pea. You're not a monster," he pulls me into him tighter and I nuzzle my face into him.

I begin to calm down as McCree sways us back and forth. I shouldn't be hugging him, it'll make me fall for him and I cant do that all over again.
I've already gone through that pain once. I dont want to do it again.

But at the same time, I want to keep hugging him. He's so warm and sweet.
I feel my body weight shifting and I look down to see my skin is slowly fading back to normal.

"Hey, yer not blue anymore!" I hear McCree say as he runs his eyes over my body, "What does that mean?" He asks.

I look up at him, "It means I am calm," I burry my face into his chest and he chuckles. The vibrations of his laugh tickles me and I giggle quitely.

"Did you just giggle?" He looks down at me.

"What? No," I lie, hiding my face in his chest so he doesnt see me.

"I think ya did," he laughs.

We hear a knock on the door and I try to pry McCree off of me so I can open the door but he doesn't let go, "McCree I swear to god. I need to open the door," I push him away. He pouts and lets me go, "You're a giant baby," I tell him and walk to the door. He winks and smiles.

I feel myself blush and I open the door to see Moira. She smiles,
"How are you doing brother?" She asks. Did she just call me brother? "Hanzo?" She gets closer to me and I back away.

"Darlin what's wrong?" McCree asks looking over at me.

"Do-Do you not see who it is?" I ask shakily.

"Yeah, it's a limping Genji," he says laughing. I turn my head back and see Genji standing against the door frame.

"But, but I saw..." I paused and shook my head.

"Saw who?" Genji asks.

"I saw Moira...instead of you it was her," I confess. Genji looks at McCree who looks at Genji, having their own silent conversation, "I'm standing right here! Go make googly eyes at each other in another room!" I yell and go out the door.

"Hanzo we think you need to go see Angela," McCree says walking beside me.

"I don't need to see anyone," I tell him. He walks faster and walks infront of me, stopping me in my path. He lays his hand on my chest.

"Hanzo please. First you turn blue and now you're seeing things," He worries.

"The only thing I am seeing is how much if a fool I am!" I push him away and he grabs my arm.

"I understand what you did to Lena earlier, but that wasnt your fault. It took guts to come here and face me after leaving but that was your choice to come here. Don't beat yourself up over simple things," he tells me.

I look up at him, furious, "I came here because Genji missed me. I came here because I believed that I was strong enough to face my past," my voice began to rise, "How dare you stand here and tell me about myself when you dont even know me!" I yell and push him away.

"Hanzo, Darlin."

"Do not Darlin me! You have no right to call me that!"

"I'll call you whatever I damn well please," He says keeping calm and crosses his arms.

"I am not your Darlin and will never be your Darlin ever again," I say as tears fall. McCree looks at me.

"I don't believe you," he scoffs. He looks around and pulls me into a supply closet.

"What are you doing?" I ask still frustrated with him, trying to push him away.

"Shut up and listen," he demands.

The closet is small and claustrophobic, his body and mine are almost pushed right against each other, "Fuck Hanzo, can you not see that I care about ya? I know I don't remember the past but I can make new memories with you now. If you allow me to", he tells me.

"I-I" I stutter, I don't know what to say. I dont want to go through the pain of loosing him again

"You don't have to answer me right now but I do have feelings for you Hanzo. Maybe from the past, but in just these few days I-I feel something for ya Darlin and I cant hide it," he confesses.

McCree POV
"McCree I-I dont know what to say," Hanzo tells me and looks down to the ground. I raise his chin up and he stares into my eyes.

"I want to hear your opinion on the matter," I tell him and raise his face. His lips are inches from mine. His breathing rises and I feel him breathing against my lips.

"Jesse," he whispers, eyes fluttering.

"Think about it and let me know," I wink and then pull away from him. I hear him whimper and I open the door, leaving a stunded Hanzo in the supply closet.

I walk away with a giant smile on my face. As I walk outside I grab my cigars, admiring the sunset.

I set on a wooden supply crate and think of Hanzo as I smoke.

How flustered he must be after I almost kissed him in a supply closet.
His face was probably all red, I couldnt tell because it was dark. But man.

What a sight that would have been.

Thank you all so much for 600 views! You're all amazing and thank you again for reading. I hope you enjoy the story becuase we are close to the end!

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