chap 14: little bickerings..!

Start from the beginning

Manik: but Nandini.... I want to be with you too...

Nandini: I don't wanna be with you. It's as simple as that. I am allowing you with ansh because he likes you a lot. I can see in his eyes... I can trust you as his father. But not as a person. I hope you understand me...

Manik: Nandini I have decided one thing. I know it's crazy of me to do that but still for our son I am doing this..

Nandini: what's that?

Manik: I have decided that amsh will move to my place and live their as my son..

Nandini: what do you mean Manik? I am his mother. I know what is good for him..! He will stay with me and you will visit him. That's good!

Manik: but I want to live with him...

Nandini: I want him to live with me. A mother is integral part of any child.

Manik: same goes with the father too... U cannot separate me from my son anymore...

Nandini: are you crazy? U were the one who left us...!

Manik: don't bring the old talks again..

Nandini: it might be old but that's the absolute truth!

Cabir: guys stop your fight...! You are kids yourself. I wonder how you both are parents of a kid...!!!

Nandini: bhai... He only started!

Manik: cabir...... She is planning to separate me and ansh...

Nandini: hello! You are the one who planned to separate me and ansh...!

Cabir: stop! I said stop...!! You both are really silly...

Manik: then you being the mature one, resolve our fight!

Cabir: okay... That's good. I have a suggestion.

Manan: what??

Cabir: since it's involving ansh, why don't you ask him?? You can ask him, whom does he want to stay with. His answer would be your solution too... But you have to accept his decision. Whatever it might be...!!

Manik: I agree...

Nandini: I too... So then why waiting? We will ask ansh. He is my boy so he will definitely say that he wants to be with me....

Manik: huh! Lets see...

Soon they headed to ansh's room.

Cabir: ansh look.... You have to give us an answer okay?

Ansh: yech Chachu...

Cabir: you both, stay quiet. I will be the one talking with him...!

Manan: ok fine...!

Cabir: ansh, your mom and dad wants to know, with whom you will like to live with? I know you are still small to decide this but still your opinion matters too.... Or else, your parents will be fighting just like tom and jerry.

Ansh: chachu, will they really fight like tom and jerry?

Cabir: yeah kiddo... That's the reason, I told them I will talk with you.

Ansh: I love both Mumma and paapa.

Cabir: we know that.... U just have to stay with whom you wanna spend your life with?

Ansh: I love paapa because I met him recently.

Manik: see! I told you na.... Ansh loves me more!

Cabir: Manik! Let him complete...

Manik became quite.

Ansh: I love Mumma too because, she is always with me. Even when paapa was not with me, she was.... I love you Mumma...

Nandini: I love you too ansh.... :0

Ansh: I wanna live with....


A big sorry for not updating.... Coming back, whom do you think ansh will choose?? Such a cliff hanger! What do you think?

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I will try to update the next chapter soon.... And sorry once again for not being regular.....

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