kitties ;v;

12 0 0

Rin:okay so we got good news and bad news, what do you wanna hear first?

Oliver: preferably the good news ówò

Run: good news, we saw a ton of cats on the way here

Oliver: and the? bad news??

Len: they all had owners... And we

Len: may or may not have stolen one....

Oliver: what?!

Rin: Oliver, you stupid shit, we obviously didn't fucking steal one. Jesus, I swear to god, Oliver.

Oliver: you're very mean you know

Rin: boo hoo, what the fuck are you gonna do? That's right, cunt, eat my ass

Oliver: Christ calm down, oh my god


Len: -pushing Rin away- I'm sorry she's just really upset we didn't steal any cats ehe

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