Chinese Mexican

40 3 0

Rin: Len it's 1 am u fuck

Len: we need 2 talk serious business

Rin: in 5 hours pls leave

Len: but I ordered takeout

Rin: wat

-door rings, Len answers it and takeout is setup-

Len: thanks guys

Rin: Christ

Len: btw I got u chopsticks

Rin: what the fuck why

Len: so u can eat ur burrito w/ it

Len: -takes out chopsticks and burrito and hands it to Rin-

Len: and me? Meat sauced in tomato that compliments it perfectly while the outside may be as crusty as Oliver's asshole lmao it is just the right amount of frie-

Rin: it's chicken fucking nuggets

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