Chapter 19

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Yesterday, I stayed with Toshinori-san until he was discharged from the hospital. I still couldn't believe that we were back to...normal?

As of now, I'm just trying to kill time by playing otome games in my phone. We were informed that from now on, we would be having a new home. U.A. now have built dorms for the students to ensure our safety and so that they can easily keep an eye on us.

Toshinori-san and Aizawa-sensei are doing home visit today to asked the approval of parents and since I have no one, there is no need for them to come at my house. However, they already contacted and informed my aunt about the situation, my aunt easily agreed to it since she worries about me a lot.

Somehow, I kinda feel sad with how the situation turns out. This means that I could no longer hang out with Toshinori-san in the park like before since we probably have a curfew or something. On the otherhand, I'm kinda happy because I could bond with everyone more and I won't be living alone anymore. Plus, maybe it would help me move on from Toshinori-san. Do I even want to forget him though? Ugh! I don't know anymore!

I laid on my back and just stared at the ceiling, letting myself space-out. But the sudden sound of the doorbell ringing wake me up from my daze. Who could it be? I don't remember inviting anyone. I lazily pulled myself up from bed as I made my way to the front door.

"Who is it?" I asked suspiciously, I stand on the side of the door in case it was a villain. But it's not like a villain would use a doorbell when attacking someone, it would usually go with them blowing off something.

"It's me, Toshinori!" What the? I opened the door and there he is, standing awkwardly, his lower body up to his neck were the only part visible, his face nowhere in sight. My doorway is a little bit small for him.

"Must be hard being that tall huh?" I said snickering as Toshinori-san entered, ducking a little to avoid bumping his head on the doorway.

"So, it must be good being that small, hm?" He retorted, smirking.

"Wow! Sometimes I hate you, do you know that?" I said glaring at him. He's been teasing me a lot lately.

"Just kidding, I think your height suits you. You look cute." He laugh a little before ruffling my hair.

"Yeah right. I should be offended but you had me at 'You look cute', so I'll let it slide." Toshinori-san grinned at me. It's nice being able to talk to him like this again. I motioned him to sit at the couch while I headed to the kitchen counter to prepare us some tea.

"By the way, what made you come here? Shouldn't you be doing home visit together with Aizawa-sensei?" I asked curiously.

"Ahh...well, we just finished, I thought I would stopped by in yours." It was a good thing that I had my back turned on him or he would have seen the sudden smile and blush on my face.

It weren't just butterflies he gave me in my stomach--

it was the whole damn zoo.

(insert Starving by Hailee Steinfeld 🎶 lol)


Toshinori-san and I spent the whole evening watching movies until hunger took over.

"Want me to cook dinner?" Toshinori-san turned to me, giving me a knowing look.

"For real? Hell yes I want!"

"Okay!" He gave me a thumbs up and then asked me what I want to eat.

"Yehey! Hehehe, I want (fave/food)!" I said excitedly.

"All right, your wish is my command."

"Wait! I don't think it's a good idea." I pointed towards his injuries. I almost forgot his situation because of my excitement. That was insensitive of me.

"Ohh! You're right." Toshinori-san said scratching the back of his neck. Sighing, he said, " I really wanted to cook for you."

"Ahh, I know! Let me cook for you instead!" His eyes widening a little before his face returned to it's normal look. He nodded, smiling softly.

"Then, allow me to assist you." He starts to stand up from the couch but I pushed him back.

"Nope! Just sit there and relax, besides you're my guest."


"Ahh! That was delicious, thank you for the dinner! I didn't know you cook so well." We are cleaning up the dishes together and a I suddenly had a flashback of the time where I spent the night in his house.

"Hehe, it's one of my talent and living alone really honed my household skills."

"That makes sense." He said nodding his head in understanding.

"Ohh, I just remembered something!" We both said at the same time, Toshinori-san and I bursted into laugh.

"Jinx!" Again, we find ourselves laughing loudly.

"Okay, ladies first." He said pointing at me.

"Well, I just remembered that time I spent the night in your house." I said smiling fondly.

"I had the same thing in mind!" Toshinori-san exclaimed happily and I felt a fluttering sensation in my chest.

Just like a married couple.

After cleaning up, we both sat back on the couch to rest. Later on, Toshinori started standing to his full height.

"I think I should get going. I had so much fun today. Thank you (L/N)-san! even if my intrusion is a little unexpected." I walked him to the front door then we came to a stop there.

"No worries! I enjoyed today as well, comeback anytime, take care. " I said gazing up to him. But looking at him, I noticed a sudden shift from his mood. He must be sleepy.

He turned his back on me, twisting the knob but his hands came to a stop before he could fully open the door. He quickly spun around to face me again and he looks conflicted.

"What's wrong Toshinori-san?" I asked, taken aback by his actions.

He just stared back at me, now with an earnest look in his eyes. Slowly, he lifted his left hand and placed it gingerly on the side of my face. Then, I felt him caress my cheek and before I know it--

soft lips are pressed against mine.

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