Chapter 11

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Once we reach the school's infirmary, All Might left in a hurry, I wasn't even given the chance to thank him again for bringing me here. After being healed by Recovery Girl, the chief of the police came to talk to me about the incident.

I was supposed to receive a punishment for wielding my quirk since it is against the law to use it when you are still not a pro hero. However, a good deed is still a good deed, so instead of me being punished, they will do a cover-up story about my involvement in the incident. It was a good thing that there are limited witnesses. It's not like I am after the credit so I don't really mind, I'm just glad that I was able to help.

*the next day*

The news spread like wildfire and for a moment, I become the center of attention in the class. Questions were asked left and right, with a little bit of scolding for making them worry.

*dismissal time*

"This is great, of all the days! Why now!? How could I forget my umbrella!" I said to no one in particular. It is raining hard and almost all the students had left. I have no one I can share with since I told Midoriya and the others to go home ahead of me. Stupid! Stupid! Stupiiiid! I have no choice, I'll just run as fast as I can. I positioned my body and as I was about to run. Strong hands came in contact with my shoulders and my body came into a halt. This is the second time he literally stopped me from moving...too strong!

"HAHAHAHAHA! It's fine now young (L/N)! Why? Because I am here! To lend you my umbrella!" All Might's booming voice rang into my ear. I think this is my lucky day instead!

"All Might!"

"That's right, it's me!" His famous smile flashed right before me.

"A-are you sure? I mean, we can share. If you want to that is..." I said trying to get a better view of him.

"It's raining hard, you might catch a cold or something..." I added worriedly. He doesn't strike me as someone who catches a cold. I mean he always seem to be in good shape with all the muscle and cheery attitude but I don't want him to get sick because of me.

All might placed his hands on his waist and laughed heartily.

"Nonsense! You can take it, a little rain won't harm me! I am All Might after all!" All Might said reassuringly, giving me a thumbs up.

"Well, if you say so. Thank you very much All Might! I'll give it to you tomorrow right away!" I said grinning widely.

"Okay! Just don't forget your umbrella next time, it is important to be ready at all times. Especially us, heroes! HAHAHAHA!" There he go again with his heartily laugh.

"Yes sir!" I gave him a mock-salute as I grin widely at him.

"At ease, young soldier. Off you go!" He said as we both snicker at our little banter.

"Hahaha, thank you again All Might-sensei! Byeee!"

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