Chapter 16

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After that incident, I kept my distance from All Might. During his classes, I try to act like my usual self but I limit my interactions with him as much as I can. Most of the time, I feel his gaze on me but I just shrugged it off and pretended not to notice. I also stopped going to the convenience store and park afraid that I might ran into him.

This is all my fault...I should have just kept my mouth shut and not let my feelings get to me.

However, running away from the Number One Hero is no easy task, of course. As I was walking through U.A's corridor, someone swiftly grabbed me by my arm and I was pulled into a dark room.

"What the fuck!?" I shouted angrily, panic swelling in my chest but ready to fight whoever this person is. This is bad if the League of Villains infiltrated the school. Until I heard the voice of the last person I wanted to see.

I almost felt relieved.


"Language young lady." He turned on the light switch then brightness flooded the room and I saw the familiar yellow pinstripe suit that I came to love. I slowly tilt my head upwards. There, with that stupid beautiful smile always plastered on his face, All Might in all his glory, looking at me. Ahh, I can't stand his gaze. I hung my head low not wanting to meet his eyes. Silence took over for a minute or so I think, until I heard him released a long sigh.

"You have been keeping your distance from me for the past weeks." He stated flatly.

"I'm not"

"Yes you are"

"No I'm not "

"Yes you are"

"No I'm not" I said firmly, avoiding his gaze.

"Then why won't you look at me? Even in my classes, whenever I am about to approach you, you always find a way to avoid me. Surely that is an enough evidence. You weren't even answering my calls or returning my texts, might I add."

"Fine! You're right, I AM avoiding you." I said defeatedly, purposely emphasizing my words.

"Now that you know, I'll be going home so goodbye!" I said hurriedly, ready to pull the knob when All Might's hand reach for it first and then clicked the lock, not letting go of the doorknob. I stood frozen in place as I felt him getting closer and was now towering over me. He placed his other hand beside my head, basically pinning me against the door.

"We are not yet done talking (Y/N)." His tone dangerously low, emitting an intimidating sound far from his usual boisterous voice and cheerful tone.

"This is about that isn't it?" I can feel his warm breath tickling my ear. Fuck, too close.

"..." No words seem to came out of my mouth. I couldn't think properly because of how close he is to me.

Another sigh escaped him then I felt him shift from his previous position. Slowly, he turned my body so I am now facing him. I tried to moved away from him but my back hit the door.

"(Y/N), look at me. I'm sor-" I cut him off before he could even apologize. Why? It wasn't your fault. It was all mine.

"Please...don't apologize, I should be the one apologizing. I'm sorry, I really am. I know I told you to forget about what happened but I don't think I can act like nothing happened...I don't know what to do anymore. I-I love you so much, it hurts..."I lowered my head not wanting to see the look on his face. What now? this is my third time confessing to him. It's not like his answer would change.

"Hey..." All Might cupped my chin in his fingers in a tender manner like as if I would break if he touch me.

And I probably would.

He lifted up my face then leaned in close. I didn't even realize that I am crying until I felt All Might's thumb brushing away my tears. He is staring at me intensely and for a second, I thought I saw something in his eyes;

affection, yearning--


But it was gone in an instant...

Just then, someone's knocking interrupted whatever that is going on between us. Midoriya's timid voice echoed on the other side of the door as he calls All Might's name.

"Shit! How could I forgot." All Might silently cursed to himself before stepping away from me and unlocking the door. I turned to the door and opened it and was greeted by a shocked Midoriya. I hastily walked past him, not looking back.

"I-I'll be going then." I heard Midoriya's faint voice calling out my name but I just kept on walking fast.

I want to disappear together with my feelings for him.

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