Chapter 17

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Yesterday went by like a blur and all I could think of was All Might. The look on his eyes, his captivating blue eyes. He consumed my thoughts and I hate it, not because I don't love him anymore, it was just too much.

The pain, the longing--

it was too much.

"(Y/N)-chan, c-can we talk?" I was snapped back to reality when I heard Midoriya's voice. It was probably about yesterday.

"Ohh, Deku-kun. Yeah sure."

"What happened?"

"What do you mean?" I try to act like I have no idea what he is talking about.

"Yesterday, you were crying...I don't mean to pry but I'm worried about you. You can talk to me, I'm your friend right?" Midoriya gave me a faint smile as he gently squeeze my shoulder.

"All right, I guess I can't really hide this forever." I take a deep breath and said, "I confessed." I saw Midoriya's eyes widen and his mouth agape.

"Y-y-you confessed!? T-to All Might!?"

"Shhh! Don't shout Deku-kun, others might hear you."

"R-right. Sorry, I never noticed that you have feelings for him. So, I take it that it didn't go well?"

"Bullseye. But it's fine." No it's not.

"I know from the start that I have no chance." But sometimes I wish I have. I gave him a sad smile.

"You knew about us right? He told you didn't he? That we've known each other before I entered U.A."

"Yes. He only told me about your connection after I found out about his true identity."

"Wait! So did he tell you how we met?" I added quickly.

"Yeah, kind of hehehe." Midoriya said sheepishly, awkwardly scratching the side of his face.

"I see. That's embarrassing." I suddenly had a flashback of our first meeting at the convenience store. I didn't realize that I am smiling until Midoriya pointed it out.

"Hehehe you're smiling."

"Ohh." Midoriya chuckled before turning to me with a serious look on his face.

"Despite what happened, All Might won't do something without a good reason. He did that because well, it was the right thing to do. I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt you but there is no other way. A relationship between a student and a teacher is taboo."

"'s not like its his fault that I have feelings for him and I know that I shouldn't be pushing myself to him."

"I-I'm sorry (Y/N)! It looks like I made you feel worse instead of better. I-I should have chosen my words carefully. I'm really sorry!" Midoriya said frantically.

"Hey! It's fine hahaha. It's the truth anyway."

"But you know, if I could have a quirk in spite of being born quirkless. I don't think it is impossible for your feelings to reach All Might. I don't know much about romance since well, I-I'm inexperience myself but maybe when the time is right, things between you two will work. After we graduate, if you still love him then you can confess your feelings to him again." He gave me a small smile and I feel a little surge of hope.

"Thank you Deku-kun. Hearing that made me feel better." I smiled at him sincerely and he nodded happily.

"Anytime (Y/N)-chan! I'm glad that I was able to help." After that, we returned to class and an announcement was made.

The first semester is coming to an end and our summer break is not really a break since we would be having a training camp.

"The destination for our regular school trip will likely be changed and the new destination won't be announced until the event." Aizawa-sensei announced to the class. A chorus of "WHAT?" came from everyone.

It was the right thing to do since we need to be cautious of the villain's movements. One wrong move from the school and everyone can be put in danger especially us the students.

*the day of the training camp*

We are riding on a bus on our way to the forest and everyone is chattering. Aizawa-sensei told us that the bus will be stopping in one hour intervals. Suddenly, the bus came to a stop. Ahh finally, rest stop!

We all left the bus to stretch a little but the rest stop is not really a rest stop.

"Wait this isn't a rest stop?" We are at the side of the road wherein we can see a mountainous area. What the?

"Where's class B?" Everyone is confused with the sudden turn of events while Mineta is trying his hardest not to pee in his pants.

Our attention were caught when someone called Aizawa-sensei.

"Hey Eraser! It's been a while!" said a woman with a short hair and cat-like costume.

Aizawa-sensei bowed his head as a greeting then all of sudden,




"I would like to introduce the pro heroes, the Pussycats." Aizawa-sensei added. There are two women posing in front of us together with a little boy standing on the side.

"One of the four hero teams that founded the union affairs office! They specialize in mountain rescue operations, and are veterans in their field! They've got 12 years of experience on them." Midoriya suddenly exclaimed excitedly. One member of the Pussycats explained to us that the mountainous area is their domain. She pointed at a certain mountain and told us that the base of it will be the place we will be staying at. 

Uh-oh! We're all dead!

Once we realized what was about to happen, everyone tried to go back to the bus.

"It's 9:30 am right now...if you kick it into high gear, it'll be about 12...The kittens that don't make it before 12:30 won't be eating." The Pussycats' member said menacingly.

"To the bus! Hurry!" Kirishima shouted.

"I'm sorry everyone..." Aizawa-sensei said from the sidelines. Suddenly, the other member of the Pussycats used her quirk.

"But your school trip has already started."

Just like that, we are thrown into the Forest of Magic Beast and our school trip begins.

P.S. I don't know what I am doing anymore. I'll probably end my story by 20 or 22 chapters. 😂

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