Chapter Twelve

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“I am too, Mark. I’m terrified that I’m going to make mistakes during the pregnancy and that something might go wrong during birth and that we’ll be unprepared when the baby actually comes. It’s scary.”

“Yeah, well, I don’t want to talk about it right now,” I stammered, annoyed that she didn’t understand. But how could she? I had kept quiet this whole time. She had no idea what I was feeling.

“Okay. Let me know when you want to talk, then,” she said. The rest of the ride was quiet. Neither of us said a word. I could barely stand the silence, but I didn’t want to have that conversation with her while I was trying to drive and she didn’t want to say the wrong thing. When we got back into the apartment, I considered putting it all off, but I knew there was no point in that. It was stupid for me to hold it all in and only let it out when she was asleep or not around.

“I’m afraid it’ll be like me,” I said when we got inside.


“I’m afraid the baby is going to end up being like me,” I clarified.

“Oh, Mark…”

“What if it ends up the way I was when I met you? What if our son our daughter can’t control it? They could hurt someone!”

“You’ve learned to control it, and there’s no reason why we can’t teach our child how to control it. There’s always going to be a chance that the baby will get traits from us that we don’t necessarily like. I don’t want him or her to get my thin hair or my tendency to procrastinate or my negativity, but if the baby inherits it then the baby inherits it. It’s just something that we’ll have to help him or her deal with,” Claire assured me.

“But what if I have trouble controlling myself around the baby? What if something happens and it sees who I really am? It’s not fair for a child to have to grow up around something like that. The kid is going to hate me if I break around it,” I realized. It was so upsetting to think about this subject, but there was no getting around it.

“Mark, you’ve gotten so much better about controlling yourself. Please, please don’t worry about that. Your son or daughter is NOT going to hate you. They might not always understand your actions, but we’ll make sure they understand that you don’t always mean to act the way you do, if it comes to that. Just the fact that you’re already so worried about things like that shows how qualified you are to be a dad. You’re going to be an amazing, loving, caring father, and our child is going to be so lucky to have you in their life. I don’t have a doubt in my mind that we won’t be able to get through any problems or bumps in the road that we come across.” I had my doubts, but I couldn’t help but smile. Claire had so much faith in me. She had helped me in so many ways since she had entered my life that I knew she would make sure we got through any obstacles in our way. I had to just trust her on this one.

“You really think I’m going to be a good father?” I asked. I honestly just wanted to hear her say it again.

“Of course I do, and I’m hopeful that I’ll be a good mother, too.”

“You’ll be a great mom,” I told her, honestly laced in my voice.

“I hope so,” she said, looking down at her stomach and placing her hands on it.

“I won’t be this small for very much longer.”

“Yeah, that’s typically how pregnancy goes,” I laughed.

“I know. It sucks, though. I don’t want to feel gross for nine months.”

“Well, at least you won’t look gross.”

“What do you mean, I won’t look gross? I’m going to have a giant stomach and there’s no telling how much weight I’ll gain!” Claire couldn’t believe the words coming out of my mouth, it seemed.

“So what? It’s not like you’ll gain two hundred pounds,” I reminded her. She just raised her eyebrows at me. “You’re not going to look gross, Claire. It’s impossible for me to ever think you look bad, anyways. I’m going to think you’re beautiful and sexy no matter what,” I added. 

“Fine,” she gave in.

“I know I’m worrying about things that won’t be happening for a long time, but so are you. You’re going to have this body for a little longer, so don’t worry about your weight or looks right now,” I prompted her. I kissed her on the lips, but when I noticed how her hair was already moved to the side when I pulled away, my mouth gravitated to her neck.

“Mark, what are you doing?”

“I’m not doing anything. I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I fibbed, my hands roaming her body. 

“You do remember that this is what got us into this whole pregnancy situation, right?” Claire checked.

“Well, what’s done is done. It’s not like you can get pregnant again now,” I answered, reaching up the back of her shirt to unclasp her bra.

“Okay, you seriously need to learn to control a lot more than your anger,” she decided, stopping me before I could finish the task. 

“I can’t help myself when you wear stuff like that.”

“I’m just wearing yoga pants and a tank top…”

“Exactly,” I grinned.

“Alright, I’ll wear nothing but turtlenecks and baggy sweatpants from now on,” Claire decided.

“You’ll still look great, I’m sure,” I promised her. She rolled her eyes at me, but not without grimacing a little. There were only nine months left of it just being the two of us there in LA, so we might as well enjoy it and make it fun, right?

Hey guys! Sorry the update took a while! I hope it was worth the wait. Before I do my usual spiel, I want to ask you guys a favor. You do so much for me, voting and commenting and sharing and supporting this story and Dark Side and my writing in general. I shouldn't be asking anything of you, but I'm going to because I know you can help me. I've posted the first chapter for an original story I'm writing called Violets, and I'd like for you guys to check it out. Maybe it seems ridiculous for me to promote my other stories with this one, but Violets means a lot to me. It's something I want to work very hard on and finish and hopefully get published in the future. I'm posting it on Wattpad as I write it to get feedback and to perfect it. Please, please check it out if you have the chance and let me know what you think! Also, as usual, please vote for THIS story if you enjoyed the chapter and leave me some comments to let me know what you think. Thank you so much for everything you guys do for me! :)

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