While he was staring at his phone I pulled on some black shorts and a red croptop. I put on black airmax then walked over to the bedside table to spray some Katy Perry perfume.

"We best go. your mum's waiting at the stadium for us" He mumbled then walked out

Jeez what's up with him.

Once he left my phone dinged and it was a twitter notification.

Luke had tweeted all his followers.

'You was nearly mine but I was to slow. I should have got to you sooner' It read and I groaned.

I walked into the living room and Luke,Calum and Michael were putting there guitars in the cases and Ashton was fixing his blue bandana.

We was soon all ready so we got into the cab and drove to the stadium.

The drive was long and quiet so I decided to put some music on. I went onto my playlist and picked out a random song that I don't even remember downloading but it was quite good so I will be keeping this one.

Ashton nudged me and I realized that we was here so I got out of the car. Screams from thousands  girls were heard and I put my other headphone in to drown out the annoying high pitched screams. 

As soon as we got backstage my mum and Katy took a seat on the sofa then the boys went to the drinks table to grab a water.

I felt warm toned arms wrap around my waist and I kiss was placed on my neck.

"Hey baby" He whispered in my arm then twirled me around so we were face to face.

He kissed my cheek and we turne dback around. Soon as James caught view of Lukes eyes on us he took it as a chance to spin me back around and smash is lips forcefully on mine. It took me a while but by the time I managed to kiss back then retreat Luke had gone.

Fuck sake. Why is my life such a fuck up.

"Does anyone know where the toilet is?" Katy asked.

"Just down the hall" Ashton told her and she nodded then walked down the hall. Seconds later James,Conor, Tristan and Brad had gone the same way probably to go to the toilet too.

I sat down and took a drink of water that Calum handed me. I sat on my phone scrowling through instagram and liking random posts.

Its been about 10 minutes and Katy isn't back neither are the dickheads...I mean Brad,James,Tristan and Conor. But they are still dickheads.

The show had began so I walked down to the bottom of the stage to watch the perfomance.

"Hi we're 5 Seconds Of Summer and we're really excited to be perfoming for you guys tonight. We hope you enjoy are songs as much as we enjoy perfoming" Michael smiled.

I was watching as they introduced themselfs and about them and shit like that.

A tap on the shoulder caught my attention, it was a women about 30 handing me a folded up piece of paper.

I unfolded it and read what it said.

'I dedicate this song to you 

-L x'

The music began and they began to sing.

'Oh Oh,
Oh Oh,
Oh Oh,
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

Don't talk, let me think it over
How we gonna fix this?
How we gonna undo all the pain?
Tell me, is it even worth it?
Looking for a straight line
Taking back the time we can't replace

All the crossed wires,
Just making us tired
Is it too late to bring us back to life?

When I close my eyes and try to sleep
I fall apart, I find it hard to breathe
You're the reason, the only reason
Even though my dizzy head is numb,
I swear my heart is never giving up
You're the reason, the only reason

I feel you burning under my skin
I swear I see you shining
Brighter than the flame inside your eyes

Bitter words spoken,
Everything broken
It's never too late to bring us back to life

Oh, oh, oh, only reason, the only reason
Oh, oh, oh, only reason, the only reason

Don't talk, let me think it over
How we gonna fix this?
How we gonna undo all the pain?'

Eyes were glued to him as he sang.

I know my feelings for him but he probably doesn't feel the same way. So i'm with James now and we're decent I guess.

They sang a few more songs then we all walked backstage.

Luke walked straight down to the toilets and I stood frozen to my spot. Every bit of me wanted to run after him and confess everything but the other part knows that I should just let him cool down before I go and say anything.

Lukes POV

I paced up and down the hall fisting my hair. Everything is a blur at the moment. I really don't know what to do.

"Luke? Can we talk?" A young voice soke. I turned around to see Katy.

"Katy i'm really not in the mood" I told her and looked away.

"No please this is important. Its about Cara" She rushed and my attention was on her.

"Go on" I said so she would carry on.

"Well I was going to the toilet and outside I could her James and his friends talking about her. They were saying how worthless she is and that she is pathetic. I stayed put so I could listen more and James said that he didn't even cara for Jayde. Whoever Jayde is. That he was just saying that so he could get her into bed. He said its best that she died so she doesn't have to put up with a mum like Cara. He said all she is to him is a bit on the side" She told me.

I knew it.

That fucking dickhead.

I need to tell her but why would she believe me?





Jara or Lara????????????//

I'm in a rlly bad mood.

Follow my ig- t0xiclukefeels


Your commets make me vvvv happy..



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