Chapter 15

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"I saw Prince Camden asked you to dance." Delanie said as she sat beside of me at a table. "What did you two talk about?"

"Not much. He is very quiet." Which was only partially true. "Did you dance with one of the guards?"

"Yes. That one over there with the curly black hair. He barely even spoke at all." She chuckled and took a bite out of a small brownie. "I'd like to talk to Prince North though sometime today. I've barely even talked to him since we've been here."

"It'll be easier once he's narrowed the girls down. Then you'll have plenty of time." I smile at her. She sat at the table and watched her fingers trail the tablecloth. Here some girls were, fighting for the prince's attention and here I was not evening planning to be here after next week.

The thing was, North had this mesmerizing feel to him that I was drawn to. And if I stayed here much longer, I wasn't sure I'd be able to leave.

"Lady Delanie, Lady Rosaline." We both turn and North stands there behind us.

"Your highness." Delanie stands and curtsies. I follow her and stand but only slightly curtsey before looking at North. I saw he was watching me and I looked away.

"Excuse me, I'm going to go look for a restroom." I had almost figured he had come that way to speak with me, but it was far from fair. There were so many girls here suited for palace life and I just wasn't one of them.

As I walk away from Delanie and the prince and make my way toward the door, I hear them start a small conversation.

It was close to the end of the week. I could make my decision about leaving and my thoughts hadn't changed.

I was at the door of the ballroom, prepared to leave and excuse myself a hand reaches out to open the door in front of me.

"Rose." North's voice stands behind me. I turn around and breathe in a long breath.

"My week is over after tonight. I'd prefer to say my goodbyes later." I mutter and face my back to him.

"I still have three hours left to convince you otherwise, don't I?" He says and moves in front of me.

"Don't you have other girls to prove yourself to?" I ask with slight sarcasm.

"But that's exactly the point." He leans against the door and smirks. "You're the only one that doesn't fall at my feet."

"So what? You can't stand one girl not wanting you?" I scoff and turn away, back to the ballroom.

"That's not it." North reaches for my hand and grasps it. "For some reason I can't stand you not wanting me."

I frown and pull my hand away from his. Butterflies flew in my stomach wildly. I couldn't help but want to grin at the thought of him caring for me. But then again he never said he cared. He just said he wanted me to want him. North was always going to be a closed
Door for me.

"North you're forgetting something." I grasp my hand in the other, my flesh burning from his touch.

He raised an eyebrow at me.

"You're a prince. And I'm just a kid with a dangerous past." I smile weakly and walk up to him, putting one hand on his shoulder and placing my lips on the side of his cheek. "Goodbye North."

I turn and walk out of the door. I didn't hear a word escape his lips. It was too easy. I didn't plan on leaving now, but I did want some
Time to think. The gardens would do.

The guards let me outside without a question. I walked in the crisp, dark air until I found a bench that I sat on.

No matter how many people were in this castle or in this world, I was alone.

I sat there for a long time before I realized I wasn't alone.

I look to my left and see North, watching me with a soft look in his eyes. I sigh.

"I'm scared." I mutter.

"Why would you be scared?" North asks, confused.

"I've never cared for someone that may be so easily lost. My fear is I'll let myself fall in love with you and with the palace and beautiful ballgowns and in the end I'll go back to the orphanage and I'll be alone again." I was sure to make sure I didn't touch him. I promised myself I wouldn't even let our arms graze.

"Rosalyn," North begins. "Sometimes you have to trust people and put your heart in their hands. If you trust me I promise I'll never hurt you."

"I know." I smile weakly and turn to him. "I keep saying I want to go home but I don't know where that is."

"Then stay here until you figure that out." North smiles.

I lean my head on his shoulder and let myself relax.

"I think you all forget I've never done any of this either. The only girls I've met my age have been other princesses with no interest in friendship or relatives. I'm not used to this either." North let's out a soft laugh.

"I guess we will figure it out together." I smile and close my eyes for a moment. When I open them North begins to speak again.

"Shall we go dance?" North stands and holds out his hand. I take it and follow him back into the ballroom. A beautiful song was being played and there were many couples on the dance floor. "Thank you for deciding to stay."

"It's not permanent." I mutter.

"Of course." I didn't know the tone of his voice but it resembles disappointment.

We danced in silence after that. Me, hiding a smile, and North not even attempting to pretend he wasn't happy.

Royal 3 (Book three in my Selection Series)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu