Chapter 5

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I lay on my bed that night. My maids had laid out a nightgown for me, but the old T-shirt and leggings I wore from my town were comfier.

I stare at the pictures on the ceiling. The palace was beautiful, but my welcoming wasn't as pleasant as I'd hoped. I fiddle with the bracelet. Each circular bead was supposed to represent something but I always forgot. Each was a different color with small cracks going through it.

A knock was at my door and I immediately answer without thinking. I assume it was my maids.

"Come in," I say casually. I sit up on my pillows as the door is pushed open. I was confused when the prince walking in.

"Did your maids not offer a nightgown?" He asks, because that was a normal way to greet someone you've only just met someone.

"I prefer my own clothes." I answer. "Did someone talk some sense into you?" We both knew it would be best if I was to go home now.

"I just have questions." He says and sits at the bottom of my bed. I wasn't here to fall in love. I was here to get away and get one small taste of the world before I'm stuck in debt forever.

"Ask away." I answer and slip the bracelet onto my wrist.

"What happened the night of the break in?" North's voice was blunt and I didn't know how to answer.

"That's personal." I answer but he doesn't flinch. "My father was involved in an illegal drug chain. He decided to quit, which messed everyone up. They weren't happy with him and came to find him. They promised to break everything he loves and their target was me."

He watched me intently and I sit up straighter and begin to fiddle with the bracelet.

"There were loud knocks at the door and my mother immediately took me into one of the bedrooms. We heard yelling and arguing and a gunshot. She put me in the closet with a gun and told me to shoot if he found me, because if he found me he'd shoot. The man came to the room and started yelling at my mother. I listened from the closet. The man found me." I keep my head down but look up. "Is that what you wanted?"

He was quiet.

"What would you have done? I was nine. You are only six months older than me." I wish it had been someone else in my parents' situation, as selfish as it seems. I wish someone else's parents  would have died. "You have attacks here don't you? What would you do with a gun in your hand and a gun pointed at your heart."

"I would've shot." He says confidently. I didn't realize you could see so many emotions in grey eyes. "Life just isn't fair."

"You're not the first to tell me that." I force a laugh. "Any more invading questions?"

"Why do you want to be here? I can tell even when you say you don't, you don't want to go back." North says as if he's known me forever.

"Would you want to go back into the foster system?" I try to turn the question around so I didn't have to directly answer it. "I'm being kicked out soon, as you know. Em and I used to talk about moving to Angeles. It's just too crowded in the city."

"Then you stay. If you ever really want to go home just tell me." He stands up with a small smile.

"Do you believe me? That I'm not a criminal?" I ask and stretch my hands behind me.

"I never thought you were." North says and I see the same expression on his face as I saw the day I walked out of the room when I'd come here last.

I didn't say anything and I let him leave. It was weird to believe that I was here in the palace with the prince in front of me.


The next day at dinner time I was being dressed to meet the prince officially. I told my maids not to go too extreme with it and they kept their promises. 

They did my hair and makeup and left. I already told them I didn't need any help getting into a dress. The top was velvet like material and a dark navy. It had a sweetheart neckline, but wasn't cut too short.

You couldn't see my silver heels under the long silky fabric of the skirt

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You couldn't see my silver heels under the long silky fabric of the skirt. It was actually comfortable, including the corset back. My hair was in a bun full of curls at the back of my head and my makeup was soft. I'm sure it was because some people would throw a fit about my being here.

I walk through the hallways and to the Dining Hall where two guards wait. I'd been told the drill already. The two men pushed the doors opened and revealed a long table full of eager girls in ball gowns. At another table I recognized the royal family's table. Each member of the family stayed there.

"Rosalyn Osborne from Likely." One man announces. I curtesy slightly. Probably not as deep as the other girls. I look up and everyone becomes uncomfortably quiet. The last time I bowed in front of royalty I was sentenced to six years in prison.

I make my way to the last empty seat on the table and try to ignore the stares. There were a few more girls who that arrived after me and then the prince stands up.

"I will meet with each of you for a maximum of five minutes before dinner starts. I will call each of you at a time." Slowly, North calls girl after girl until finally he reaches my name. I was dreading it more than anything. "Rosalyn Osborne."

I could see everyone's eyes flicker to me. I stand from the seat, clumsy in my heels and walk with my head high to the other side of the room. As a formality, the prince takes my arm and links it with his and escorts me out of the room for the private meeting.

I was a proud person and sometimes the things I said weren't the smartest.

"Is today treating you better?" He asks simply as we sit on a cushioned couch.

"A Day is so full of opportunities I can't say that the last was any worse because of a mishap." I answer simply. I didn't let the attack of the guards knock me around, I was stronger than that.

"Tell me about your home." He says again, ignoring my earlier statement.

"Which one? The one I loved or the one I occupy now?" I ask, honestly.


"My parents and I lived in Kent. We had a house by the beach with steps that led right into the sand. There were lots of windows in the house that I could sit and look out and a different sunrise approached the waves every morning. My parents were both high spirited. My mother was always seeing the bright in things and somehow my father always followed along." The words flowed so easily from my tongue you could've guessed it was scripture.

"I don't think I could go back to the house anyway. Not without being anxious. Likely is somewhat of a temporary home for me now though." I ponder aloud.

"Where is your future home?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know yet. I'll know it when I see it, that's for sure. Emily— my friend, we've talked about leaving before. We share a room at the orphanage, a nice cozy one. The other girls keep to themselves mostly." I shrug and play with the curtain on the window behind me. Beautiful gardens stretch out just beyond the glass.

"What did you come into this experience looking for?" North asks. I could see him thinking hard about the thoughts running through his head but he was a poor communicator.

"My life. I lost it here nine years ago and I'm here to get it back."

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