Chapter 20

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When we get to my room, North pauses at the door.

"Can we talk for a moment?" He asks me.

"Of course." I answer nervously.

"I want to do this right. I know you don't remember what happened before the attack, but I can't manage to get it out of my mind. I was falling in love with you Rosalyn. Maybe you didn't feel the same way, but I don't want to take the chance that you didn't." He looks nervous and it's probably because the look on my face is completely taken aback. "I want to take you on a date tomorrow night if you are willing to join me?"

I was confused. Had the prince of Illéa just told me he loved me?

"Of course." I answer. He looked relieved.

"I'll come by at around six." He smiles and leaves me at my door. I was confused and surprised and for some reason happy.

I go to sleep that night with a smile on my face.


The next morning I go to breakfast. It was the first time I had went to a meal with all of the other selected and royal family.

My maids dressed me in a simple yet elegant gown that had a confusing corset in the back. It was a pale apricot color and hugged my torso.

They colored my lips with a peach gloss and brushed makeup onto my plain face with ease

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They colored my lips with a peach gloss and brushed makeup onto my plain face with ease. My hair was wrapped in an elegant bun on the top of my head.

I really did believe I might be beautiful.

I walk out of the room and down to the Great Hall. The doors were opened by guards and I walk into the room. I realize, after all eyes are on me once more, that I don't know where to sit.

I look around, frantic. My eyes meet with a girls I didn't remember ever seeing before, and she motions for me to sit beside of her. I was relieved. I make my way to her and sit beside of her.

"Thank you." I say politely.

"You're welcome." She says with a small smile.

"Were we friends?" I ask her and she smiled a little brighter.

"We never really talked, but don't worry I'll help you figure everything out." She tells me. "I'm Piper."

"Rose." I respond with a smile, even if she probably already knew. "About the girl that was killed." I hesitate. "Did I know her well?"

The girl paused, clearing emotion off of her face. "I heard you were the only girl she considered her friend."

I stopped talking and looked down at the table. My heart hurt but I couldn't feel as sad as expected. I didn't actually know the girl, not that I remembered anyway.

I zone out throughout breakfast, praying I could become invisible.


That night I was nervous. Dinner had been brought to my room so I could get ready for my date.

I admire my outfit in the full length mirror leaning against my wall. I felt like the dress was a bit much, but everything at the palace had seemed that way.

My maids had left me alone to ponder on my thoughts after dressing me in a beautiful gown.

I had on simple makeup and a braided updo I didn't understand how they did

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I had on simple makeup and a braided updo I didn't understand how they did.

A knock at my door causes me to jump and interrupts my train of thought. I open the door with caution, as if I was expecting more than just a boy.

He smiles at me when I open the door and his eyes immediately went softer than I thought they'd ever became before. I'm taken aback slightly, not being able to return the gesture so I just awkwardly cough and lower my gaze. I'd never had someone look at me like that.

"I'm sorry it's so late." He first says as he walks me down the hallway.

"No it's fine." I shake my head. "So what are we going to be doing?"

"I figured you needed to see the garden in it's true beauty." His smile had faded a little from earlier.

I nod slowly.

The garden was beautiful, more so than it was the first time I saw it. Especially with the sun almost setting, casting shadows across each and every flower.

"You were right. I do like it better this way." I agree as the doors shut behind us. He stays silent but "But you already knew that."

"Yes." He nods. We stay quiet for a while after that. He leads me to a concrete bench and sits. The only thing separating the two of us was a few centimeters of space.

"I have questions." I state, as confident as I can manage. He doesn't flinch at all and just turns slightly toward me. "Why did I stay? I remember the moment your parents came out of the palace when the guard assaulted me, I was going to leave. Why did I even stay?"

"I didn't give you much of an option." He smiles slightly. "I almost let you go but I was selfish enough to make you stay."

"Do you regret doing that?"

"Selfishly? No. I don't regret ever getting to know you. I know that it all resulted in this catastrophe but I can't help it." I didn't even know what answer I wanted to hear at this point.

"Also I want to ask a favor from you." I mutter. He just watched me. "Is there a phone I can use? There's a call I really need to make. Not now, but maybe tomorrow."

"Emily?" He asks, which I am taken aback by.

"Umm... yeah. Yeah, her." I awkwardly lower my head.

"Of course you can call her. When we go inside I can take you there." He says, smiling. He takes a quick look behind him and the stands and pulls me up by my hand. "Come on. I have something to show you.

It was peaceful, our short walk out to a field where the trees revealed a glowing skyline.
Orange faded into yellow. Yellow faded into pink and pink faded to blue.

We sat in the grass and comforting silence flowed with the air. I found myself holding his hand, barely leaning my head on his shoulder, and then I faintly remember falling asleep, right there in the grass.

I thought I heard him say something as I was sleeping but maybe I had just imagined it.

"I'm so sorry, love."

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