Chapter 2

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"Smile!" The camera man says tiredly and a flash makes me blink my eyes. "Thank you ma'am."

I thought that maybe the cameraman recognized me. People did often. Reactions varied greatly. Some would try and pretend I was just a normal girl and others would try and get away. I swore some thought that I was some serial killer. Other people were very open  about recognizing me. They would pity me and rub circles on my back as if I hadn't been taking care of myself for nine years already.

"I guess we'll have to wait till the Friday Report then we'll get to see who the next selected are." Em says and smiles to me. We head back down the sidewalk home. As we are leaving, I notice Jaden, Haley, and a few of the other girls from the home walking toward us.

If I had learned anything about being in prison was to face my problems head on. There were people there that had seen my case on the news and they weren't happy. A lot of them knew the man I had killed to protect myself. They had all been associated with drugs like my father presumably had been with. They weren't happy with my crime. I was put in an isolation cell for half of my time.

It did something to you, being alone with no visitors coming to see you and only meeting one man in a blue suit three times a day that slid me cold meals.

"What are you doing here?" Haley asks. "Haven't you already been to the palace once? I'm sure the king and queen have seen enough of you already."

I stand blank faced in front of her and hold my tongue.

"You know Haley, I hope you do get to go to the palace. Cause something needs to change about the way you look at life." I had plenty ruder remarks but I chose that one because I didn't want to get grounded before I could watch the Report.

At least my parents wanted me. I think as I walk away. I make a circle around the girls and head away with Emily still standing by me.

"I'll let the king know how awful you really are! I'll make sure you are put back in prison and never let out!" Her voice gets to a higher pitch than I thought imaginable so I just chuckle and continue. The truth was, the comment hurt. Maybe I was just meant to be in prison. Since I'd gotten out I've changed and considering the amount of friends I have, probably not for the better.

"Do you want to go for ice cream? I hear they have a new sprinkled waffle cone." Emily says to lighten the mood. Somehow she's like a detector, and can tell whenever I've been hurt or bothered my something.

"I'm in." I answer with a perky smile. Emily had kept me going for a while now. Without her I would've been far lost.


That night I lay on my back in my bed. It was still early and I knew Emily wasn't asleep yet.

"Do you remember the prince?" She asks me.

"Yeah," I answer softly and think back to the memories of the young boy sitting proudly by his mother. As I stood at the bottom of the King's feet I stole glances upward and met eyes with the prince. He was watching with close interest and pity, but it wasn't understanding. I hadn't seen that look a lot. I didn't know what I'd do if I had to meet him again.

"What'd he look like? Besides what you see on TV." Emily asks again.

"His face was pale. But then again he was watching his dad sentence people to years in prison or death. His eyes weren't brown or black like they look on television, they were grey. He seemed sweet too. He held his mother and sister's hand the whole time." I sigh. They were all scared then.

"Do you think he remembers you?" She asks and I hear her sit up but I stay laying in my bed.

"There haven't been any major children cases since then. I think it was hard on everyone in a different way. I don't think he could forget. Maybe it's just me." I shrug.

"Do you really want to go, Rose? More than anything?" She questions.

"Who wouldn't? Isn't it every girl's dream to be swept away into a world of ball gowns and diamonds. I always said I wasn't that type of girl, but it's just the best ending I can think for myself." I sigh. I know one day this day will only be hopeless memory and I'll still be stuck alone in this place. "Goodnight, Em."

I decide to retire front he conversation and turn to the wall on my bed. I didn't believe I'd be able to sleep anytime soon though.

"Goodnight Rose." She mutters and I hear her settle back under the covers and soon the steady sound of her breathing lulled me into sleep.


"Hello Illéa! Gavril Fadaye here with the Report. We all know you are itching to know who the thirty two chosen selected are, but first we are going to have a quick chat with the prince." Gavril turned his chair as the camera adjusted to welcome Prince North. His hair was yellowish blond and had gel keeping it into place. He didn't look like neither King William nor Queen Autumn. They had adopted all of their children after they realized she wasn't able to have any. "Are you excited to meet the girls?"

"More than ever." North responds with nerves wrecking his voice. He always seemed like a nervous but strong person.

"What are you looking for in a wife and future queen?" Gavril asks. I could see the king and queen sharing glances to the side of the stage with all of their kids in seats to their left.

"I don't know yet. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what stands out to me." He shrugs.

"I guess we won't leave any of you waiting any longer. Let's get to the names shall we!" The girls all stiffened on the couch around me. The others had stopped eating their popcorn they forgot to share and some even held each other's hands in excitement. "From here in Angeles, Kristy May! From Kent, Shannon Williams."

Names went on but I was sure everyone in the room was oblivious. They wanted to know who the lucky girl from Likely would get to meet the prince and have he chance of marrying him.

"From Likely..." Gravil pauses. His face contorts with confusion then he replaces it with false confidence. North beside of him just watches him carefully, unable to see the paper he holds. "Rosalyn Osborne."

You don't hear that name every day. And you definitely don't see the face they portrayed on the screen. Somehow it was my name and my face.

The camera turns from North who had unknown emotions on his face, the queen who looks like she just found something she lost long ago and the king who doesn't present his emotions.

"We wish all the girls luck in finding love with the prince!" Gavril says quickly and the screen cuts off, black. Faces turn my direction. Nobody knew what to say or how to act. Haley stands abruptly and stops toward me.

"Time for bed girls." Ms. Lori said sternly. Had that been me stomping toward her, she would've had the police here within minutes.

I turn to Emily and we share a look of pure delight. Her eyes were bright as we made our way into our rooms and burst into fits of happiness.

"My best friend is going to the palace!" She screeches and hugs me tightly.

There were a million things to think about but I couldn't wait to be on my way to the palace.


This book is officially going to have regular updates! Yay! This one is kind of different from my other two because of Rosaline's past but I hope it gets just as much love❤️❤️ Thanks for 1K on Royals 2!!

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