Chapter 43

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That evening after the party the families wait outside, sharing sorrowful smiles and hoping to see each other next at a wedding of their own. Two girls had already left with their families, thinking they were the unlucky ones, when in reality all of those who were left fooled were the ones that were in for the most dread.

The royal family stand by the palace, some families said their goodbyes to them and exchanged what would probably be their last words with them. I see North, who I still hadn't tried to speak to.

I turn to Emily, who watched the scenes around her. I find her hand and hold it tightly in mine.

"North says he's sending you to someone he trusts dearly and when I'm sent home, I'll ask to be sent there as well. When I find you we can use the Selection money to by an apartment somewhere we've never lived before." I smile and watch the bottom of my fluffy dress touch the gravels gently.

"Maybe near a beach." She suggests. "That way you can get over your Prince Charming by going to the beach and watch all of the men in swimsuits."

We both laugh at this, but before my laugh even has time to die down, my heart becomes the source of unbearable pain. I throw my arms around her neck and close my eyes.

"I don't want to have to do this without you." I admit quietly in her ear. "I have always either had you or him since I first arrived here and in the absence of both of you, I don't know what I'm going to do."

"Rose, it's a palace. There's an endless possibility of things you can find to amuse yourself until we can be reunited. You worry too much." She tells me with a smile and pulls away just enough to see my face.

"It won't be long until I see you next, but it will feel like ages." I blink back tears as I say it. I realize, almost all the families were gone, and the girls were heading back inside. I didn't let her leave until her limo was the very last one left.

"Until next time." She smile and lets go of my hand, slipping away from me and into the shiny black car. I watch it as it drives away and stand there for even longer. When I turn back around, nobody was left except for the prince himself. He stood against the wall of the palace, his face showing how unsure he was of his next move.

I turn and walk back toward the door, not looking at him or making eye contact.

I hear footsteps behind me as he realized I had to intention of speaking to him or acknowledging him. His hand attaches to my forearm and when I turn to meet his eyes, they were so full of grief that my whole heart ached just for him.

"Don't you do this to me." I say quietly and try to pull my arm away.

"Please don't let me leave like this." North tells me. The night was dark, but the lights surrounding the castle cast a glow around us.

"What else do you expect me to do?" I tried to sound defiant but my voice came out as broken as his. North's hands moved from my arm and one held my face, the other holding onto my waist. He brings his lips so close to mine, I could almost taste his breath, but I had to turn my head away.

"You're about to be a groom." I murmur. I could feel the tears swelling in the corners of my eyes.

"Maybe not." He says softly with false positivity.

"We both know that's not true." I tell him. "It's not fair to me or your future bride and I refuse to be that kind of girl."

"Fine, don't kiss me, but I beg you to let me just hold you and walk with you so that for one last time I can share the same air as you." I looked back at his face but regretted it because of the raw emotions. Instead of looking away away I just duck my head into the nook of his neck and close my eyes. "Can we just enjoy tonight? I can delay my leave until tomorrow morning."

"Okay." I say quietly. I hold onto his shirt with one of my hands, knowing this will be the last time.

"Come with me up to my room. I just want us to be able to sit in peace without people watching us." He tells me. I don't say anything, but I follow him through the palace and into his room. He takes me out to the balcony and we sit on a comfortable sort of couch.

I lean into him, my head on his shoulder and my arm wrapped around his.

"Please talk to me." He says quietly and puts his hand innocently on my cheek.

"I can't." I say quietly. "I can barely even look at you without my heart wanting to break and you want me to talk to you?"

I turn to him without even thinking and when our eyes meet, I realize I've hurt him.

"I don't think you understand how much this is breaking me, North." My voice is barely a whisper.

"I only hope that maybe one day you'll forgive me." North says.

"Will it even matter?" I ask. "When I'm sitting at home watching the news and watch your wedding, pictures from your honeymoon, your kids, and all I'll be able to think of is what could've been."

"I'm still going to try and get out of this." He tells me with lack of hope.

"I believe you." I mutter, allowing myself only shortly to believe that this would work out. One of his hands plays with my fingers while the other runs through my hair. I just sit there, absorbing the love I knew I'd find nowhere else.

That night, North walks me up to my room right before the sun rises. We'd barely said a word to one another but we got to hold onto each other one last time. At my door, he leaned his forehead on mine.

I don't pull away from him. He leans forward and pressed his lips to my own only for a second.

"Goodbye, Rose." North still doesn't let go of my hands for minutes after that—

And then he did, and my heart would never stop aching for that touch.

Royal 3 (Book three in my Selection Series)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz