Chapter 24

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When we get into the sun room, the dome like ceiling is held up by white columns. The ceiling was made of glass and the sun shown through like crystals.

There were tables set up with flower arrangements and lounge areas set on the deck outside. Butlers and maids walked around the room offering champagne and finger foods.

I was in awe of everything. I took my time to look around the room while the selected gushed around the royal family, most of it directed at Aaron. Yes, maybe he was handsome and near or age, but that wasn't an excuse to forget about the prince.

Once everyone was collected in the room, I spot the young ginger girl sitting alone at a three person table. I make my way over to Baylee, and sit beside of her.

"Hi." I say to her. Her eyes go wide in surprise and she waves slightly, but doesn't say a word. "Do you like coming here?" I ask.

She nods but still doesn't say anything.

"What's your favorite part about it here?" I ask with a smile. The poor girl hadn't said a word since she had got here.

"I like the dresses." She smiles and says quietly. It makes me smile too. "Your maids make some beautiful designs, too." I suddenly realize she's seen more of my dresses on TV than I have.

"Really? Maybe I could get them to make something for you before you leave." I say.

"You could do that?" She says quietly, her eyes getting even wider.

"Of course. Maybe tomorrow after breakfast you can come up to my room and they can fit you for one." I tell her with a small smile.

"Thank you." She mutters.

"Have you ever tried the macarons here?" I ask her. I'd loved the macarons here.

"No, I've never tried one." She answers quietly. I wave over a butler who holds a tray full of macarons.

"These are honey buttercream filled. They are absolutely delicious." I say as I take one small serving dish of three of them, two pink and one purple with a sprinkle of powdered sugar. I slide it towards her and she tries it cautiously.

Her eyes go wide and she looks up. "These are amazing!" She exclaims. She looks to her side and waves over a person. I look over and see Aaron walking towards the both of us and sits in the only empty chair at our table.

"Good evening Lady Rosalyn." He nods politely with a short smile then turns to his sister.

"Aaron, try these!" She exclaims. She forces her plate over to him with only one remaining macaron.

"They are amazing." Aaron agrees politely and smiles. "Baylee, Mom wants to see you for a minute." He tells his sister and she looks disappointed before walking away.

She runs off to find her mother and Aaron turns to me.

"North put you up to this, didn't you?" Aaron says, almost acting disappointed.  I was lost at words for a minute.

"Well he did." I answer. "I won't lie, but Baylee was actually very sweet. I'm not going to apologize for trying to help." I shrug and sit back in the chair.

"You mean you aren't just trying to impress North?" Aaron asks. "Because I'm worried about him here too."

"You think I'm trying to impress North? I don't even know where he is right now." I snort.

"I'm sorry." He apologizes sincerely as though he'd just done something awful. "You can't blame me, some of these girls are just— not here for the right reasons."

"I haven't been here long, well at least not that I remember, but I don't trust any of them. I don't know it's just they aren't normal." I shrug awkwardly.

"I'm worried about North. I don't want him not seeing the real side of all of these girls. He sees the best in people and I'm afraid it will be his downfall."

"I know what you mean. I haven't really been able to make friends since I've been here. I think they are all just really tense about the end of the Selection coming so quickly. But I'm only just beginning."  I frown and wrinkle the edge of the fabric napkin.

"Where do you feel you are with North compres to the other girls?" Aaron asks.

"I honestly have no clue. Of course, I'd like to believe I had more with him, but they've been here much longer and I'm guessing I'm behind." I say with a slight shrug. It was the first time I'd actually thought about that.

"Then why are you the only one he's been looking at since we've been here." Aaron says, hinting at a smile. I sneak a look at North, who had just been greeted by a pair of girls. I look back down.

"Let's talk less about me and more about you." I say instead of replying.

"What's there to talk about? I'm not royalty, I live a simple life on a beach in northern Angeles." He shrugs simply.

"That doesn't mean there isn't something to talk about." I smile slightly. "Aren't you twenty three? Are you at all interested in getting married?"

He pauses. I'd finally given him something to think about other than myself.

"I guess I'm just waiting for something to happen. Life happened so quick and one moment I wasn't looking for a real relationship and avoided anything serious and the next I was single and twenty three." Aaron replies like he'd just now thought about it.

"You're definitely right. Life happens." I agree. "But it doesn't mean you won't find somebody to love."

"Well spoken." Aaron says lightly. "Do you want to be one of the final elite?"

"In an unrealistic dream world of course. I'd get to stay here the rest of my life. I could spend my life gorging on strawberry tarts, but in a problematic reality it would just be extending my overdue stay until I'm forced to go back Likely, find some cheap house and job and it'll be like that until I die." It was harsh, yes I know. I didn't mean it to be like that.

"Is that dream versus reality or your heart versus your head." Aaron says leaning back in his chair. He had me there.

"You know what, I think I need to go to the restroom." I say with a tight smile and awkwardly walk away, thinking about what Aaron had just said.

I feel a soft touch on my arm as I walk past and I turn to look at them. I see North, looking at me curiously.

"Are you alright?" He asks me.

"Oh, yeah definitely. I've got to go to the restroom, but I'll be right back." I answer with a small smile.

His face relaxes and he smiles. "Come find me when you get back."

"Of course." I reply with a slight smile and only when he lets go of my arm do I realize how warm my heart is when I'm with him.

Royal 3 (Book three in my Selection Series)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt