Chapter 55

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I stand outside the palace, nearly bouncing with excitement. My dress was light enough that my excitement wasn't limited. The diamond beading a the top was beautiful and the light skirt flowed as I walked in the wind.

"Darling, she is going to get here soon enough, you can sit down for a moment

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"Darling, she is going to get here soon enough, you can sit down for a moment." North tells me sweetly as I pace back and forth. He holds onto both my hands and kisses my knuckles.

"I just can't wait to see her again." I say, smiling. "There is just so much we have to catch up on."

"I know." North smiles and kisses my forehead. "Sitting won't make it take longer."

I sigh in defeat and sit with him as we wait. I lean against him and close my eyes for a second. When I finally open them, a black limo was pulling up. I jump up happily, but I'm immediately confused when Aaron comes out of the limo instead.

"I thought—" I begin and then see Aaron turn around and help someone out of the jet black car. Emily.

North holds onto my hands and says, "I trust nobody like Aaron and I didn't know where else to send her."

"Thank you." I tell him quietly and kiss him quickly before running toward Emily and hugging her tightly.

"You could've called." She says sarcastically when she pulls away and smiles.

"I'm sorry. Everything happened so fast." I breathe out and she just laughs.

"I'm joking." Emily tells me and looks at the limo, ready to grab her bags, but Aaron had grabbed them for her. "I can get my bags."

"But you don't have to." Aaron tells her teasingly. They'd obviously became friends over the time she spent living with him. "Just let me be a gentlemen."

Emily groans and looks at me. "I'm going to go talk to North." She tells me with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"No, Emily, that's not necessary—" I begin but she was leading him away before I could say anything. "Pray for him." I murmur. Aaron laughs and closes the car trunk.

"Oh believe me, I have been since we left the airport. He might never hear the end of it." Aaron laughs and begins walking into the palace. I knew Emily must be angry with him after knowing how much I was hurt. "She really cares about you."

"For years, we only had each other and the memories of our parents." I shrug as we walk together, Emily and North not even in sight. "But Thank you for letting her stay with you."

"It was never a problem." He tells me. "I actually enjoyed her company. It's lonely living alone after living with my family."

"I believe that." I say quietly. "How much Did North tell you about her?"

"Everything. I didn't tell her I knew until she told me." Aaron tells me. "Where is her room?"

"She'll just end up in my room." I tell him. "Has She been doing better?"

"Much better." Aaron tells me, smiling to himself. "It took her a while to finally warm up to me, but when she finally did I think it helped her a lot."

"I'm glad." I say with a small smile as we go into my room. "You Can just set it down on the bed." I tell him.

"Should we go save North from Emily?" Aaron asks me.

"Probably." I nod and laugh.

When we get to them, North looks slightly pale, but confident and Emily looks extremely accomplished.

"I'll take her, you save him." I murmur to Aaron. He laughs slightly, but goes to take North in the opposite direction. "Let's go, Emily, you're staying in my room. My maids have gotten everything ready for you, too."

Emily just laughs in response and turns to walk with me.

"I missed you." I tell her quietly.

"Of course you did." Emily smiles happily. "You really scared me though, when I thought we were going to be back on the streets."

"I didn't want to leave here after all of this." I said quietly. "It was like a dream for a moment and then I had to wake up. Then when I woke up, I realized it wasn't a dream, it's just life." I smile slightly.

"That's gross, Rose." Emily snorts dramatically. "I'm not used to seeing you so happy and I'm not sure if I like it."

I look at her and roll my eyes, smiling slightly.

"You seem happier too." I tell her as we get into my room and sit on my bed.

"Yeah, life is better now." She tells me with a smile. "I cried for the first three nights alone in my bedroom and then I actually went out to breakfast the forth day and I think I accidentally scared the shit out of Aaron."

"What do you mean?" I ask, still laughing.

"I was still crying a little bit and I think I was just looking so awful and he didn't expect me to come out of my room so he jumped out of his skin." She laughs slightly. I look at her strangely but ignore my thoughts.

"I'm guessing you guys are getting along well now?" I ask. She sits on the bottom of my bed and plays with the hem of the covers.

"Yeah, he's nice." She nods with a small smile.

"How long are you going to stay with him?" I ask her and sit with her.

"I've got a job." She starts. "It's almost minimum wage so it will be a while before I actually have anything saved up, but I want to be able to get my own place. I don't think Aaron will kick me out anytime soon."

"I don't think he would." I shrug. "And I have all that money saved up from the Selection that I'll never need."

"I'm not taking your money, Rose." She tells me. I roll my eyes.

"Your so stubborn." I roll my eyes playfully at her.

"I had to get it from somebody." She laughs. I felt bad about leaving her alone, but I knew I could find a way to help her somehow.

Royal 3 (Book three in my Selection Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora