Blind Male Reader x Bakugou Katsuki (Boku No Hero Academia)

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And slowly as my vision was fading away from me, I couldn't help but feel like I could see the world more clearly after my eye appointment. The smallest things I took for granted, were now being appreciated. I don't know why I felt like this, but I couldn't help but smile at the thought. Everything I had come to know had to be learned differently, what a sad case I was.

I thought of myself as that, just a sad case that would need to depend on others to service. Until Bakugou had caught me on school grounds by myself one day. My eyesight could be considered nothing but a blur at this point. I was sitting down on the ground, admiring the cool weather until a blurry form with blonde hair appeared in front of me.

"Still haven't found it yet?" Ahh, there it was. The ignorant Bakugou I remember from elementary and middle school. But all I could do was sigh and answer him truthfully. "No, no quirk here. And there probably won't ever be one." He was quiet for a while after my answer, until I felt him grab my arm and harshly pulled me up to stand up on my own two feet.

It surprised me that he had touched me, but the yelling had surprised me even more. "SO WHAT, YOU'RE GIVING UP NOW ALL OF A SUDDEN?" I frowned at his words, trying to jerk my arm away from his hand, but his grip was like iron. "Why would you care?" I heard him click his tongue as I felt him pull me closer to him. "Just answer the damn question-"

"You know what Bakugou, im tired of your shit, okay? I'm tired of you acting like you're better than everyone else around you just because you have a fucking quirk and bullying those who might not have one or classmates who aren't as strong as you. I'm tired of this arrogant persona you've grown over the years just because you think you're the best.

If you haven't noticed, most of the people in this world without a quirk want one but aren't as lucky as you or the rest of the world who have one. We make due with what we have and try to have a happy life. Some people are living on the streets, some people wonder when their next meal will be, while some people wonder when's the next time they'll get hurt or beaten by a loved one.

Some people just want to live freely the way they want and better themselves, while others get told by their eye doctor that they're going blind and that they only have a few more days to see before their eyesight is completely shot. So yeah, you might have a quirk that you think is on top of the world, when in reality people in the world have to deal with shit you'll never fucking understand."

I could feel myself tearing up, but I refused to cry in front of him. "Y-you're going...blind?" I couldn't help but scowl. "That's all you got from what I said? Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?" I shook my head and tried pulling my arm away from him. "Let me go, im done talking to you." I began to try and forcefully yank my arm out of his grip, but he only held onto me tighter.

"(M/N), calm dow-" "don't you fucking tell me to calm down, now let me go." I was completely pissed at him, and all I wanted him to do was let me go. But sadly, I hadn't even noticed that my feet shifted. "(M/N), listen to me-" "I said, let g-ACK!!" I had ended up tripping over my own two feet, and also bringing Bakugou down with me.

"OH MY GOD!" I yelled in panic as we began to roll. "Shit" I heard Bakugou say as he hurriedly wrapped himself around me. "Bakugou-" "I know, just hold onto me damn it." He didn't have to tell me twice. I held onto him like my life depended on it, my limbs wrapping around him tightly. I was scared shitless because I couldn't see where the hell we were going.

Luckily after what felt like years, but was only about a few seconds, we came to a stop. My heart was beating uncontrollably as my slightly shaking form continued to cling onto Bakugou's. I heard him grunt a bit as he slowly sat up, and since I refused to let him go I was basically sitting on him. But what actually shocked me was when he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer.

Male Anime Characters X Male Reader | Part 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz