Jin stood their smiling widely at Namjoon. "Goodmorning daddy."

Namjoon bit the side of his cheek amd walked in the older kids room. He looked around and saw Hobi on Jins bed with his hands entwined with each other.

"What's going on here?" Namjoon asked.

Jin looked at Hobi and Hobi looked back at Jin. Just then Yoongi popped his head in the doorway. Both kids looked at him.

"It was Yoongi's idea!" Hobi yelled while pointing at him. Yoongi jumped into the doorway.

"No it wasn't!" He yelled back. Hobi and Yoongi started to argue until Namjoon broke it up.

"Hey, Hey! Stop fighting." Namjoon pulled Yoongi and Hobi away from each other. "Now what idea are you talking about Hobi?"

"Daddy?" Namjoon turned around to see Jimin in the doorway rubbing his eyes. Behind him was Taehyung and Jungkook.

Jimin walked closer to his brothers and dad revealing Taehyung and Jungkook's hair. Namjoon gasped while Yoongi, Hobi and Jin giggled.

Taehyung and Jungkook ran to Namjoon with smiles plastered onto their faces. Namjoon scooped them up in his arms, his eyes still staring at their hair.

Namjoon turned back around towards his three older sons and glared at them.

"Seokjin, Yoongi and Hoseok. What happened to your brothers hair?" Namjoon said with anger in his voice. He was starting to put the pieces together from seeing a pair of scissors and a pile of hair on the living room floor.

"It was Yoongi's idea." Jin suddenly said. Jimin looked around confused.

"You guys still did it." Yoongi smirked. Namjoon shook his head.

"It doesn't matter who's idea it was. You're all grounded. Im taking your toys for the weekend." Namjoon walked out of the room with Taehyung and Jungkook in his arms.

"Dog?" Jungkook asked. Namjoon turned to him and smiled.

"You want a dog?" He asked his youngest son. Jungkook nodded his head.

Namjoon smiled at Jungkook. "We can get a dog."

Taehyung started to clap and so did Jungkook. Namjoon laughed at them and then put them down on the living room floor.

"I can't believe your brothers really cut your guys's hair." Namjoon sighed. "They didn't even do a good job. It looks like you went to the barbershop and I asked them to give you guys a bowl haircut."

"Bowl?" Taehyung said. He cocked his head to the side and looked at Jungkook.

Jungkook looked back at Taehyung and noticed his hair was different. "Bowl?" Jungkook started to laugh as Taehyung laughed too. They were both laughing at each other's hair even though Namjoon had no idea why they were laughing.

"Atleast your hair will grow fast."


A few hours passed by and Namjoon had stripped the older kids room of their toys since he said they were grounded for the rest of the weekend.

Hobi sat on his bed with his feet dangling from the sides with a bored expression on his face.

Yoongi spread out across his bed and decided to take a nap while Jin was pacing back and forth.

"Daddy no fair." Hobi said.

"Its all Yoongi's fault." Jin said. He pointed at Yoongi who was still asleep.

"Yeah he told us daddy wanted us too." Hobi added.

Just then there was a knock at the boys's door. Jin looked back. "Yes?"

Namjoon opened the door with one hand and had the other hand behind his back.

"Im sorry that I took away your toys and grounded you, but you can't get away with doing stuff like that to your brothers." Namjoon sincerely said. He hated punishing his kids, but if he didn't then they would just walk all over him.

"We're sorry daddy. Even Yoongi." Jin said. Namjoon smiled and took his hand from behind his back showing Jin, and Hobi the cute small dog that was sleeping on his hand.

Jin gasped and Hobi jumped down from his bed, falling onto the floor. "Ouch. I shouldve used the ladder." Hobi said.

Yoongi woke up from his sleep and witnessed what was going on. "Is that a doggy?" He asked. Namjoon nodded his head and he went to go pet it.

"Where did you get a doggy?" Jin asked. He slowly put his hand on the dog's head and started to pet it.

"I called Ashleigh and asked her if she knew where I could get a dog and she offered to get me one. I paid her when she got here." Namjoon said. "The dog is a girl."

Jin, Yoongi and Hobi were all fascinated by the new addition to the family. They were excited to have a pet.

"What's her name?" Hobi asked.

"I decided to let Jimin name her since he kept begging me. So her name is Butterfly." Namjoon said. He watched his three oldest sons play with Butterfly.

"She's so cute." Yoongi said. He cupped Butterfly's face in his hands and made kissy noises.

"Ew Yoongi don't do that." Jin said.

Namjoon laughed hysterically. His kids always made him laugh so much.

"I'll leave Butterfly in here with you guys. I'll be in the living room with Tae Tae, Kookie, and Jimin. Be careful." Namjoon put his hand on the doorknob amd waited for one of his kids to say okay.

He took the laughing and smiling in the room as an okay and left. He went back to the living room where his three youngest were.

"Did they like it daddy?" Jimin asked. He put the toys that he was playing with down and ran to Namjoon.

"They loved it sweetie."

"Did they like her name?" He asked.

"Yes Jiminie. They loved her name." Jimin smiled and went back to play with Taehyung and Jungkook.

Namjoon stood still thinking to himself. "They're growing up so fast. Jin's kindergarten graduation is next week and the twins birthday is next month. Where has the time gone?"

Time was certainly catching up with Namjoon. Before he knew it time would be something he needed.


( A/N )

I wanted this to be a cute/funny chapter just to lighten the tension going on between the other chapters!

( Question ) What was the first BTS thing you owned/own?

( Answer ) I bought 3 phone cases! One of Suga, V and the other was all of BTS!

( Question ) Which BTS title is used?

* HINT : Its from the album the most beautiful moment in life pt 2 released in 2015 *

My Kids • Namjoon •Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin