Chapter 11 - Didn't see that coming

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           Stretching both my legs I pounce on Jessica, Knocking her off the coffin she was currently perched on. " HEY HEY HEY NO NEED FOR THAT WOMAN! " She yelled. I hug her tightly to my chest, " What... Why did you do that? What are you doing SITTING ON THE COFFIN.... When your suppost to be dead! " I question. People start crowding around me. A surprised look of they're faces. I chuckle to myself, Cause Vilkas still doesnt know what is going on and Carter is just staring with her bottom lip tucked out from her mouth with a death glare burning into Jessica's eyes. " Alright alright. Just get off me and I will tell you. And as soon as these people that I don't even know, stop looking at me with a pedoish smile. " She complained. I rolled my eyes and smiled presenting my fangs. I tense my arm muscles and lift my body off her. She stands up and fixes her hair and re adjusts her bra. " Now thats more like it. " She huffs. Sitting on the edge of the coffin, She sets her hands on her lap. I plonk my but down beside her. And the visitors all around me sit on the benches that litter the room, Jessica moves her bum around and I look at her with a weird look on my face. " I could really get used to this. " She smiles. while looking at me. I push her off the coffin in a joking manner. She looks at me with her mouth wide open and her eyes smiling at me. " HEY! " She began. " Is for horses. " I laugh. I offer my hand for her to take and lift her up off the hardwood floor.

            She takes in a deep breath, trying to remember what has happened the past few hours that brought her back to life. " Well, It all started with Carters spell. She healed my wounds, but my blood was left sitting there. Not really doing anything. I mean, It would work on a vampire because they don't really need blood flow. But for a werewolf, Its different. Just before the funeral, They set me in the coffin and got me all prettied up and ready for the showing. But when Jazmine walked in, I could smell the blood on her. " I look down at myself forgetting that there was a blood splatter on my new dark red top. But though its hardly noticeable, Its still there. Embarassed, I look up at her with apologetic eyes. " No no thats okay. The blood saved me. Believe me. If I didnt smell that blood I would have been back in that coffin still dead. " She explains. " Well then how did you smell the blood, If you were dead? " Vilkas asked with a stern look on his face. " Very good question. I have no Idea. Thats what has been troubling me for the past few minutes of me being awake and all. " She looked down and tilted her mouth to the side. A smirk spreading across her face. One of the people at the funeral stood up and raised they're voice making sure everyone heard him. " Well we should all leave. And leave Jessica to rest. I would hate to pound her with a bunch of questions. " He confessed. We all get up and I take Jessica's hand leading her into the dining room. Carter Vilkas and Aneesha follow. After we all take our seat except for me, I walk into the Kitchen and grab a big juicy steak and suck the blood from the meat. Walking out into the dining room, I hand Jessica the Steak. She smiles up and me and opens her mouth to say something. " Thanks Jaz. " I nod my head and explain " No problem. I thought that going a day without eating something would set you off a bit. " Her face deep into that steak, bits of meat fall to the floor and she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. She licks her lips and cleans off her canine teeth with a napkin and wipes the juice off her shirt. " Hungry? " Vilkas laughs. We all laugh and I wrap my arm around his shoulders.

           " This is crazy. " I burst out. All they're heads turn to me with a wondering look on they're face. " What do you mean by that? Jessica is back. Thats great! I dont think I could go a day without that smiling face greeting me in the morning. Oh, who am I kidding crabby Mc.crabbypants over here hates mornings. Why am I still talking? I have absolutely no Idea what I am saying. " Carter erupts. I cover my mouth with my hand trying to hold back the laughter that seems to spill out of the cracks in my fingers. " Yeah I think Jazmine is right. This is pretty crazy. I mean, If you die there is almost NO way you can come back to life. It is pretty rare. Only a few werewolves come back alive. I think its pure bull crap that blood brought her back. " Vilkas looks over at Jessica wanting answers. No, not wanting, Demanding answers. " Well... I dont know. I felt something that took over my entire body. Like an evil essence. And I saw a shadowy figure walk over to me. He said in a deep mysterious voice that I serve him or something stupid. I didn't believe him. He said his name was Neltharion or something. I thought that was a stupid name. Although I was dead. And I didn't really believe what he was saying. I sorta blacked out after that. " Rubbing her eyes, Jessica Lounged on the couch. Exhaling the access air from her lungs. I lean foreward in my seat, My hands cupping the side of my eyes. Vilkas, Carter, and Aneesha all looked down, Trying to figure out what this means.

           Neltharion... This is something really serious. If a person dies and he COMMANDS them to come serve him, That means.... No.... That can't be! " Guys. " I quickly dart. " I know whats happening and I dont think any of you will like it. " My eyebrows furrow and my eyes sad looking. " Theres a corruption happening right now. When a person dies, And some sort of leader walks to them telling them to serve them, That means he's trying to make an army of some sort. To stop something. And we need to figure out what that something is. Something strange is happening right now and I am scared to know exactly what is happening. Because I have a fear that we are the ones that are going to stop this corruption from spreading any farther and happen to dart out of control. Out of our grasp. " Vilkas puts his hand on my shoulder and his lips part in wonder, He stares at me with a look in his eyes that I can't exactly read. " This is going to be a long ride. We need to contact The leader immediately and ask him what's going on. And how we are going to stop it. " We all get up in unison. Vilkas walks in front of me, opening the door for me. I thank him, and we all step out behind me. Walking down the hallway, The clicking of my heels speed up as the door to The leaders room drift into view.

           I knock on the door rapidly. The door opens immediately and Mr.Dragonbane stands, towering over us. He looks down and notices my urgent look. " Whats up guys? it seems to be bothering you. " He asks, Lifting his hand to rest on the top of the door frame. " We just figured out that there is a terrible corruption spreading through the graveyards of this place. Some guy that goes by the name ' Neltharion ' is building an army right this minute to stop something, I dont know what. The problem is, And I apologize for not saying this before, That the Necromancers are in danger. They are the ones he is after because they hold a great power to summon the dead and use the dark energy to use to they're advantage. " I splurt. The leader stands, looking at me in confusion. " This is some serious theory you have running here you guys. And I... I believe you. We need to stop whatever corruption is happening. And I am afraid I have ANOTHER theory. That someone has stolen the key and opened the portal between both realms and dangerous things are now spilling into the mortal world. We need to stop this corrupton at once but I am afraid that we will need to gather all of the clans together. This is serious and I will arrange an emergency meeting. I thank you guys for telling me immediately. " I nod my head and step behind Vilkas. Corruption? Realms? This is all too much for me to handle. If the corruption has breached through the wall that seperates the Mortal world and The supernatural world that means... My eyes immediately watered and a hot steamy tear rolls down my cheek. I fall to the ground, My knee's crashing against the cement and my hands cover my eyes. My cheeks damp with tears. Mom and dad are in danger. They could die... This is it. This is war. When crap involves my parents? I am all over this. Neltharion! If you can hear this! YOU ARE DEAD! I think loudly

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