Chapter 10 - Live or die? ( Part 2 )

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           My heart stops and I run over to Jessica. Leaving the responsibility of killing the last silverhand to Vilkas, Aneesha, and Carter. I grab onto the sword with both hands, pulling the sword from her heart. I hear the silverhand falling to the ground behind me, and Vilkas's heavy footsteps running to Jessica. Tears are rolling down my face, and bury my face in my hands. " Jazmine she's going to be fine. " Vilkas rubs my back, trying to comfort me. " No she's not. " I sniffle, while cleaning the blood off the sword. Revealing that this sword isn't made of silver. It's made of steel. " NO! " Vilkas screams while punching the wall. " JESSICA COME BACK! " He orders. Aneesha runs over to her and figures out she's dead. Cowering in a corner and crying her little heart out. " Carter can you ressurect her? "  I ask. Carter walks over with tears rolling down her cheeks inspecting Jessica. " I can try. " She holds her hands above her heart, sealing the veins and repairing the ribcage. But Jessica is still not breathing. " Nothing is happening! " Aneesha points out. " I repaired her injury, but there is nothing we can do to get her bodily fluids pumping again. " Carter explains.  " We're turning back NOW. " Vilkas directs, picking up Jessica with both arms holding her close to his chest. " We're taking her to Mr.Dragonborne. " He says. We swiftly run out of the cave and jump over bushes and stray branches. We finally make it back to the Palace. Jogging up the steps, we enter the Palace. We begin to search all the rooms trying to find Mr.Dragonborne. But just before we give up, we run into him on the way out. " What do we have here? " Mr.Dragonborne asks while inspecting Jessica. " Is she sleeping? " we all shake our heads. " She's dead. " Vilkas breaks the news. Mr.Dragonbornes eyes widen and he backs away covering his face. " I knew I should have got other people to do this task, Now I have to put on a funeral for Jessica. " My eyes tear up just thinking about it. " Will it be open casket? " I ask. Mr.Dragonborne nods.

           Vilkas hands over Jessica to Mr.Dragonborne. Laying her head on his shoulder. Mr.Dragonborne walks away from us holding Jessica in his arms. " I can't believe she's dead! " I cry. Vilkas walks up to me and hugs me. I lay my head on his shoulder sobbing into his neck. " Shhh... " he hushes calmly stroking my hair. Carter and Aneesha run and hug us, while crying. Vilkas lets me go and holds out both of his hands. " In a circle of crying girls. Great. " I start laughing and sniffling while wiping my cheeks. " I'm kinda tired. I think i'm gonna go to bed. " I say. " Night Jazmine, " Vilkas, Aneesha, and Carter say. I shlep off to my bedroom and collapse on my bed, my clothes dripping with tears and sadness. I eventually dose off, from crying myself to sleep. This is all my fault. I thought, I should have kept an eye on her. But, we had to let one Silverhand go after her. But I wonder why they didnt have a silver sword? Maybe they knew she was a werewolf? What the hell? There was a giant fricken wolf in they're hideout. Of course they knew she was a werewolf.

           I woke the next morning with my clothes soaked from moisture. Slowly getting up off the bed, I climb into the shower and cleanse my body from all the sorrows. This sucks. Knowing that my best friend is dead. But I have to get over it, I can't moan and be depressed my whole life. Drying my body off now, Why me? How come it has to be MY best friend? I think. Oh well. I put on a fresh pair of clothes and brush my hair and rid it from knots. I walk out into the hallway and bump into Mr.Dragonborne. " Oh, I was just about to get you. " He says. I tilt my head to the side and lower my eyebrows in question. " We are hosting a funeral tonight. So get your hunting done and meet me back here at 8. " He orders. " Alright. " I agree. I walk off and knock on Vilkas's bedroom door. He opens the door, wiping the sleep out of his eyes. His shirt off and only wearing pajama pants. His hair is messy and wiped off to the side. " Oh morning beautiful. " I tease. He smiles and shows those brilliant white fangs. " Morning... " He says in a groggy voice. " Wanna go for a hunt? " I ask. He gestures to himself, " Does it look like i'm ready? " I giggle, " No.. But I can wait for you to get ready. " I say. He nods and steps back to let me in. Dirty clothes litter the floor and his bed sheets are in a big ball at the bottom of his bed. I sit down on the bed all neatly,  " Cleaning lady didn't come through here yet? " I ask. He shakes his head and grabs a towel from his closet and walks over to the shower. I hear the water run, and the door close behind him.

            I look around his room, and find a picture on his bedside table of him as a child, and his mother. Aww thats adorable I think. I pick up the picture and hold it in both my hands examining him. He had short blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. In here though, he looks around 7-8. His mother looks almost exactly like him, except she had long brunette hair. Vilkas walks out of the bathroom with his jeans on. " Ah I see you found my childhood picture. " He says. " Yeah, you look pretty cute " I compliment. He looks down and blushes, " That's my only picture I have left of my childhood. Plus notice my dads not in the picture, He left for a business trip and we didn't hear from him since. " His gaze leaves me and falls to the floor. His eyes water but he wipes the tears away right away. " That's terrible. Ever since I became a vampire here, I never talked to my parents. I bet their looking for me and setting up flyers. " I gaze back. He sits beside me, " You ready to hunt? " I repeat myself. He smiles and takes both of my hands pulling me up and off his bed. I jump, and land on both of my feet. " That was fun! " I laugh. We both walk outside and into the brush.

           We crouch down and listen, I hear a beating heart off to my left and slowly make my way to a better view. It's an elk, He looks my way but I am too camoflauge to set his guards off. I take off full speed towards the elk, he see's me coming and try's to run. But I am too fast for him. Lunging towards him, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him towards me. Sinking my teeth into his soft skin and slowly drawing the blood from the wound. My shoulders relax after each gulp and slowly pull my fangs from the artery. Falling to the ground, laying on my back and closing my eyes. Clapping emerges from the brush and out steps Vilkas. " I love watching you hunt. So graceful and upbeat. " He softly says. I open my eyes and look up at him, watching him stare down at me. The moon begins to rise and I remember something. " Crap! Jessica's funeral! " I yell. Getting up and wiping the blood from my face. I grab Vilkas's hand and run full speed to the palace, wind blowing my hair back and my heart pounding with adrenaline. When I notice the lights on and shadows bouncing off the walls. " We're late. " I say. We rush up the steps and enter the room. The room is swarming with people. And I walk over to the casket and lift up the lid. Finding Jessica laying there with her eyes closed and her hands folded neatly on her lap. " I'm sorry I didn't keep an eye on you Jessica. I knew I should, But then again I did notice that you wern't fighting with us. It's a shame that when I just turned around you were there. But didn't have time to save you. " I wipe my eyes from the tears that escape my eyes. I turn around, And hear a moaning sound. I ignore it, thinking it's one of the guests. But I heard the BANG of the casket rapidly opening. I turn around slowly and find Jessica sitting on it, " Hello losers. " She smugly says.

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