Chapter 1 - The New Me

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         " SURPRISE! " I walk into when I unlock the front door and step into the living room. I find my friends screaming my name, after I came home from school. A smile creeps across my face and I start laughing uncontrollably. Jessica runs up and hugs me, while laughing she yells " Happy 18th birthday Jazmine! " I hug her back and bring up how long I have been waiting for this moment. She nods with a smile on her lips, She runs back to the others. And mother walks towards me with a cake in her hands, The picture on the front has a bloodied rose on it and in dark red writing it reads " Happy 18th birthday Jazmine " I blow out the candles and everyone is jumping and screaming while the song " Never close our eyes " Blasts on the speakers. I cut the cake and dish out to everyone and we start chomping down. " So Jazmine, " Mom starts. " What are you going to do now that you are of age to drink? " I wince, " I dont believe you asked me that... I hate alchahol. " I explain.

          " I understand. " She replies. " You are defnatly not my child then! " She jokes. I chuckle to myself and take another bite. " JAZMINE! " Carter yells from across the room, I stop in mid bite and look up with the fork still in my mouth. " We should go out tonight... To a dance club! " I take the fork out of my mouth and swallow, I look towards my mother and she nods. " I don't have control over you anymore. You are a grown woman now. " She clarifies. I smile and yell outloud with a wide grin across my face. " HELL YEAH! " Mom chuckles while Jessica, Carter, and Aneesha sprint up the stairs to my room while i'm still standing in the living room. " WAIT FOR ME! " I yell. With great power and speed skip every second step and finally make it up the spiral stair case. My legs screaming of pain by the time I'm up. My door stands in front of me wide open with my friends going through my closet and pulling out dresses. A dark red dress with puffy black lace lining the top catches my eye. I pull out that one and hold it up to my body while gazing at myself in the mirror. " Girls, " I mumble. Jessica looks at me, " Yeah.? " She states. " This.... This is the one. " I confirm.

          I step into my dress and strap on my $100 vibrant red heels and walk over to my vanity table. My friends walk up behind me and pull my hair back, They're already ready for the club but I have yet alot of work to do. " So Miss.Jenkins how would you like your hair today? " Carter boomed in a low voice imitating a hair dresser. I laugh and hand her the curler. She turns it on and waits a bit before it heats up. She clips the first and second layer of my hair up so it doesnt get in her way and starts on the third. Bit by bit she grabs each peice of hair and doesnt miss a single strand. By the time we were done, she spun the chair towards the mirror and all I see is a pale teenage girl with black curls falling down to her shoulders. Jessica steps in and says " MY TURN! " And she grabs the make up kit. She unzips it and all I hear is the clicking of make-up containers and she finally decides on one foundation.

          It matches my skin tone perfectly. She takes a big cotton ball and dabs it in the foundation and pats my face with it. I close my eyes and focus on the touching and vision what I look like. After about 5 minutes on her masterpiece, She steps back and looks at me with adoring eyes and sighs. " Done. " She completed. I turn around and find myself with a dark coat of red eyeshadow up to the crease of my eye and out a bit to form a wing. I love it... a smile forms, " Jessica... this is amazing. " her eyes half close and a goofy smile shows up. I laugh and pat her shoulder. Aneesha is waiting on the bed with a bunch of hand bags and accessories scattered across my bed. I laugh and shake my head as she points to each one explaining how this one matches the lace and that one matches the red and etc. We finally agree on one thing and pick a red amulet and a black bracelet that wraps around my forearm 3 times like a snake and joins together at the end.

           Jessica has blonde hair that falls to the curve of her back and bangs that swept like angel wings across her forehead. The dress she chose totally matched her eyes. The dress is a strapless bright blue dress that flows down past her knees and shoes that make her two and a half inches taller than she actually comes out to be. Her eyes are like saphires. If you stare at them for some time, You can sometimes see the light reflect off them and the iris looks like a bright full moon.

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