Chapter 10 - The SilverHand

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          Walking up the steps, we enter the Palace. Mr.Dragonbane is standing by the podium, talking to one of his workers. " Yes Maybel, I asked for porridge. You gave me cereal instead. " He reports. " I'm sorry sir I will get you you're porridge that you asked for. " Maybel apologizes. Mr.Dragonbane looks over at us carrying a chair, with a man strapped to it. " What is the meaning of this? " He asks. We set down the chair and explain to him what happened. " Well we were on the search for Jessica- " I stop short. " Oh yes Jessica. Welcome back! I was so worried that you would have been captured. " Mr.Dragonborne interrupts. " Well she was Mr.Dragonborne. We followed her tracks into the cave and we wiped out the two men that we're guarding her cage. We tied one up, hoping to get some answers out of him. Then we noticed they're blades. " I explain. " they're blades... " Mr.Dragonborne's eyebrow rises. " They're blades are made of Silver. " His eyes widen and he strokes his stubble. " Silver hand eh? Havn't heard that name is century's. This is dangerous. Considering they camp so close to our Palace. We have werewolves coming in and out of here everyday. " He reminds. I nod, and look down while thinking. " Well we're going to have to send some people out there to wipe out they're camp.

          " We could go. " Vilkas suggests. Mr.Dragonborne thinks about it for a while, and then makes a decision. " Yes. You 5 will be great in there, seeing you two had no problem killing these guys without getting hurt. " He reviews. " Well actually sir, I- " I clamped my hand over Vilkas's mouth mid sentence. Whispering through my teeth " Shush, he's going to give us this quest. Don't say anything about that unless you want someone else to go for you! " I warn. Vilkas gulps and puts his head down. " Well, you guys better get some grub in you before you leave for that mission! I would hate for you guys to go on an empty stomach. " Jessica's eyes lit up, " YES! " She howls. " Sorry, I havn't had a decent meal all day. Those ANUS CRACKERS fed me crap! " She yelled glaring at the silverhand kept hostage. I laugh my heart out placing a hand on Jessica's shoulder. " Never fails to impress me. Never fails. " Jessica looks at me laughing. " I will take care of this Silverhand and interrogate him into giving us answers. Talk to you guys after your mission! " Walking down the hallway, we reached the dining room. The food is already prepared and waiting for us when we got there. We all sit  and look down at our plates. Me, and vilkas have a cup of blood with a pitcher, Jessica has a big raw juicy T-Bone steak, Carter has a well-done steak with cesar salad on the side. Aneesha has 3 pieces of vegetarian pizza.

           I sip out of my cup, " So how are we planning on taking down these silverhand?" Vilkas brings up. I think for a moment, How are we going to take them down? We can't simply run in there swinging swords and biting them.. Well I suppose that IS the only way to get rid of them. " Kill them. " I say. " You don't say? " Vilkas laughs. " Well Aaliyah can heal us whenever we are wounded, and help out by using her firepowers. I can use the dark forces to weaken our foe, so they're an easy target. Jessica will have to be careful of the blades, for she is the one they are hunting, Jazmine and vilkas will go in and whoop they're butts. " Aneesha plans. " Aww how come they get the cool parts? " Jessica complains. " Well, considering they're weapons are made of SILVER, you can't do a whole lot that is risky. " Vilkas explains. " Yeah, " I agree. " However, if she does get stabbed with silver, we can always revive her by simply sheathing the sword from her chest. Easy as that. " I state. We all nod and get up out of our seats and retreat to our rooms. I open up the chest at the end of my bed grabbing my armour and putting it on. Heavily walking out to the Palace entrance, I wait for my friends. Vilkas walks out with his armour on. " Wow nice armour. " I praise. " Thank you, you're not so bad yourself. " I smile at him and notice Jessica walking in. " Woo 2 more to go then we can take off! " She cheers. " Yeah I can't wait until I can crush some skulls! " I excitedly say. " So you guys ready? " Aneesha asks while walking in with Carter. " Hell yeah I am! Let's get going! " I yell.

           Retracing our steps back to the cave was easy. We walked into the room that was holding Jessica captive. The walls of the cave were a dark brown and torch lit. Walking through the halls with our swords drawn, Rustling sounds fill the cave. " Did you hear that? " We run into the room charging at whoever dares challenge us. Spinning a whole 360, I slice one silver hand. Vilkas Jumps extremely high and crashes down to the crowd, stabbing another, and letting him fall to the ground. Aneesha sticks her arms out and clenches her fists, drawing the silverhand towards her. She then pushes him away, flipping him in the air, landing on his back. Vilkas stabs him, sword sticking upright pierced in his heart. A silverhand comes at Aneesha from the side, Using all her force and slicing Aneesha's arm. Aneesha falls to her knee's screaming, and I come up behind the silverhand that injured Aneesha and chopping her head off. The silverhand crashes to the ground with her head rolling on the floor, blood splattering everywhere. Panting, I run over to Aneesha. " Carter get ova here! " I scream. Carter runs up beside me, Healing Aneesha. " Hey wheres Jessica? " I ask. Looking around, I see Jessica in a corner watching the whole thing.

           " Jessica what the HELL are you doing over there? " Carter asks. " Um you said to stay back.." She reviews. " Hell naw! we said specifically for you to watch out, not stand by and watch us own. " Carter explains. Jessica steps out of the corner and transforms into her wolf form. " Alright. Lets get this show on the road. " Vilkas continues. We clear the room immediately and move stealthily onto the next room. " You shouldn't be here! " The silverhand leader yells. I run in bonking swords with the leader, I jump and attempt to cut his head off, but he ducks last minute. Vilkas takes the back and tries to stab him, but his armour gets in the way of the sword and he misses miserably. Aneesha uses a spell to weaken him, The leader lifts his sword above his head, and stumbles foreward, I was just about to make the kill, when I saw out of the corner of my eye, Jessica fighting a silverhand. And my heart stopped right there, The silverhands sword goes straight through her chest. Jessica falls to the ground screaming for help. " JESSICA NO! " her body falls to the floor, and she remains laying motionless.

                                                                          End of part 1

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