Chapter 9 - Come out, come out, wherever you are!

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          Me, Aneesha, Carter and Vilkas all got together and headed out into the night. " Vilkas, you head straight with Carter. Me and Aneesha will go this way and search for her. Give a holler if you find anything. " ... " Rodger that. " Vilkas agree's. Me and Aneesha go bushwacking, sensing the ground for any footprints. " Hey Jazmine come look at this... " Aneesha whispers. I zoom over there and check out the prints. They were wolfprints... They lead somewhere. " VILKAS, CARTER WE FOUND SOMETHING! " I scream. In a flash, Vilkas was at my side and Carter slowly retreating to he ground. " I see. We should follow these tracks to try and find out where they lead to. " Vilkas suggests. " Thanks sherlock homes. " I joke, I mean it was obvious! Would we litterally leave these tracks?

           Slowly crouched down, we snuck through the bushes. Following the tracks. We run into a deer corpse, " Yep. Jessica was sure on a hunt. " Aneesha brought up. " Yup " I add. We continue following the tracks and notice the tracks stopping at a cave. But what scared me wasn't the fact the tracks stopped at a cave. It was because there were werewolf heads on spears at the entrance.

          " JESS!- " SLAP Vilkas's hand clasps over my mouth to stop any sounds that escape from my throat. " sshhh " he whispers. " There are people in there. I can hear they're voices. "  I smell the rustic scent of blood and listen closely.

Stranger 1: " What do we do with this one? "

Stranger 2 :" Well since we locked her in a storage locker I'm pretty sure we're safe. "

Stranger 1 :" But she's trying to escape. "


Stranger 2: " Shut up and eat your grub! "

Jessica: " You call this grub? This peice of stale bread? My mom's DOG eats better than this! "

Stranger 1: " Want me to knock her out? "

Stranger 2:  " Here. "

Jessica: " NO PLEASE DON'T! "


          My heart stops at that moment. And only one thought repeats in my head. " We have to go after her. " I confess. Aneesha, Carter and Vilkas all nod and Aneesha thinks of a plan. " Alright, Me and Vilkas will go in there destracting them. You and Carter will knock them out immediatly, grabbing any tools you can find. Vilkas will kill one and we will tie the other one up, hoping to get some answers out of him. " Aneesha explains. " I will definately go for that plan. Are we all ready? " I ask. Carter, Vilkas and Aneesha all say " Ready " And Vilkas grabs Aneesha's hand, Dragging her into the cave behind him. " HEY WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING IN HE- " His words stop short. "That's our cue. " Me and Carter charge in " AAAAAAH! " I battle cry. One of the men stab Vilkas in the left arm, Leaving him backing into the wall gasping. And that's when we come in. Me and carter both blind them. Me, by poking they're eyes. Carter by wacking them with her wing. Jessica, Just drifting in and out of focus starts to realize whats happening. Vilkas, staggers over there and takes a knife from they're table. Cutting her hands free and letting her fall to the floor. " LET ME AT EM'! " She screams. Transforming into wolf form, She takes a running jump and pounces on one. Carter and Aneesha tie one to a chair, and Leaving me, and Jessica to kill the other one. Taking the knife Vilkas found, I stab it's heart. Leaving the Man lying on the ground motionless. He is dead. Jessica transforms out of wolf form back into human form at the last second.

          I then run over to Vilkas. " Carter get over here. " I motion towards her, to get her attention. " Hmm? " She hums. " Heal him. " Carter nods. She closes her eyes and holds her hand just above his arm. A bright yellow light escapes from her fingers, making the wound on Vilkas shine. In less than 5 seconds Vilkas's arm heals up. " Thanks Carter, you're the best. " Vilkas thanks. Carter just smiles. I get up and go investigate the bodies. " Hey Aneesha look, They have silver blades. Do you know anything about silver blades? " I ask. Aneesha was just about to say something when Jessica interupts. " Silver what? " She rushes over in a hurry. " Blade's, silver bla- " Jessica lets out a blood curdling scream. " What is it? " Her face turns pale and her mouth falls open. " These blades... They're made of silver. " She reminds me. " Well no s*** sherlock. " Vilkas adds. " Do you have ANY Idea what silver can do to a werewolf? " Jessica asks. We all shake our heads. And thats when the story began.

           " Ever since the beginning of time, The clan called " The silver hand " have been hunting the werewolfs. Trying to stop they're existence. Well, the werewolves have been ALMOST killed off. The silver hand have been using silver weapons. It wasn't until after they killed they're first werewolf they knew that was the key to stopping a werewolves heart. Thats why you see werewolfs with either a silver bullet or arrow or dagger in they're heart. If you remove them, you bring them back to life. " Jessica informs us. " We have to go inform Mr.Dragonbane about the silverhand and how we located they're secret hideout. " Vilkas suggests. " Yeah, one sec. " I stop them. Walking over to the dead silverhand I sunk my fangs into his neck and drink his sweet supple blood, draining his body. " Really Jazmine? " Jessica gaggs. " What? I was hungry. I havn't eaten anything these past few days. " I bring up. Jessica rolls her eyes and picks up two sticks. " What do we need these for? " Aneesha asks. " Did you forget about the Silver hand we tied up on our way in here? " Vilkas asks. Aneesha bonks her forehead with her palm. " Derrr- " I smile and shake my head laughing. I grab a coil of rope and tie the sticks to the bottom of the chair legs. "Me and Vilkas in the back and Jessica and Carter in the front. Aneesha, Keep look out in case anything tries to sneak up on us. " I order. I grab the back of the stick, and all at the same time we lift the chair with the tied up guy still knocked out and sitting in it. We head out, What am I going to tell Mr.Dragonbane? And what are we going to do to stop the silverhand?

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