Chapter 6 - And May The Battle... BEGIN!

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  • Dedicated to Jayme Belanger

          Please click play on the video below, and let the music play. It adds a dramatic effect on the whole chapter :)

          Right when that dragon shot frost damage at us, I knew this battle was going to be tough. But with my friends and Vilkas beside me, I knew we could take it down.

          " EVERYBODY GET INSIDE NOW! " I shout at the townspeople. Right away they all scattered like beetles into they're homes. " Me and Vilkas will try to hold it down! Aneesha! Summon an army of the undead! " I yell. Vilkas and I run and Jump on the dragons back, using all our force to hold it to the ground, so It can't take flight. Aneesha holds her hands at her sides, her head down chanting a language I can't understand. " Guro manzi cha UNDEAD FORCES HEAR MY PLEAD! " Aneesha lifts her face to the sky and her hands held above her head. Lazers shoot from her and hit the ground, banging sounds come out of the ground. Undead hands shoot from the cement pulling themselves out of the sunken graveyard that lays beneath the road.

           An army forms of over 100 undead forces and they roar with great power, shooting the dragon backwards. They run towards the dragon, holding the dragon in place while me and Vilkas take control of the head, I dig my fingers in it's nose. Blocking the ice flowing from it. Vilkas squeezes its horns breaking them off, so he can't use them as a deadly weapon. Carter takes flight, Shooting fireballs out of her fingers towards the dragon. Circling the dragon rapidly, creating a tornado of power. Jessica launches as the dragon full speed thrashing at the dragon, creating deep wounds in the dragons skin. The dragon roars with great force, Knocking me and Vilkas off it's head. " AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! " I scream running towards the dragon, knocking it off it's balance. I lunge for it's heart with a sword I picked up off the streets. The sword peirces its heart, and the dragon falls to the ground in shock. Carter Shoots a firestorm at the dragon, Aneesha uses the power of the undead and shoots a bolt of darkness, blinding it. Jessica digs her claws into the dragons back and sinks her teeth into the rock hard skin of the dragon tearing a peice of flesh off its back and spits it out. Vilkas crushes its wing, and tears the skin. I sheath the sword from its heart and slice the dragons head off, sending it falling 60 feet to the ground. I jump off the dragons neck, catching the head in my hands and hold it above my head.

          The towns people slowly come out of they're houses and flood the streets cheering for us. " We need to go back to the supernatural palace and report to the supernatural leader that we slain the dragon. " I explain. " I agree " Jessica reply's. I take the head with both my hands and walk back to the boat. The boat captain stands there, " I watched the whole bloody thing from here, you guys are undefeated! " The boat captain says. We all laugh to ourselves and wait on the boat deck for the ship to start. " HEADING OUT TO SEAS TOWARDS SUPERNATURAL PALACE. " This is it. This is the moment we all been waiting for. The title of slaying a dragon... Is ours.

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