Chapter 3 - Supernatural Palace

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         I wake up to Francine shaking me. " Miss Jenkins its time to get up. You have an hour and a half to get ready chop chop! " I moan and sit up and rub my eyes. " Thanks francine. Do you mind turning the water on in the shower for me? " I request. " Yes ma'am. " She confirms. She walks around the corner and I overhear the water running. I tug the blankets back and grab a towel from the rack beside my closet. I pass Francine in the hallway as she leaves my bedroom to go and help another vampire. I walk around the corner and onto the cool bathoom tiles. I pass the mirror and get a quick glance at myself. I backtrack and stare at my image. My dark red lipstick is smeared all up my cheek and my eyes imitate a racoon. I sigh and take a wet towel and clean myself up before I step into the shower. I strip myself from my pajamas and roll them up into a ball on the floor.

          I test the water temperature with my hand and turn the dial a little to the right, to make it a tad bit colder. I step in and run my fingers through my hair to get it damp before I mix it with shampoo. I grasp the lid of the shampoo container, and using my nails I shove them between the neck of the bottle and the lid, apply some pressure and ' Click! ' The top comes off. I pour some shampoo into my hand and set the bottle down on the shower rack. I massage my scalp and run my fingers through each and every bit of my hair making sure I dont miss anything, After that, I rinse my hair out. Repeat the same steps for the conditioner and wash my body. I step out of the shower and dry myself with a towel and wrap it around myself when I walk out of the bathroom.

           I run a brush through my hair, and walk over to the closet and pull open the doors and walk in. I go through my shirts and pick out a red shirt with a girls face on it. And black jeans that match the shirt. I pick out my favorite white boots that go with everything, and a white leather jacket. I go through my undergarmets and pick out today's wear and exit the closet. I lay out my clothes on the bed and get dressed slowly, making sure I put everything on the right way. I have a tendancy to put my pants on backwards and stuff like that. I walk over to my vanity table and clip most of my hair up and straighten the rest. I take each clip one by one out and straighten what I can. I use a head band to pull my bangs back out of my face. I layer on the mascara and flick it out at the sides to form wings. Next, eyelashes. I curl both my lashes 10 seconds on each side, because this is a more dramatic look. I put eyeliner along the top of my eyelid to make my eyelashes pop, and layer mascara on. I take out the black eyeshadow and work my magic on the smokey eye.

          I then take my favorite dark red lip stain and place that on my lips, and I am done. I put my jacket on and  pull my boots over my jeans and open the door to the hallway. My heart stops, because Vilkas was standing there just about to knock when I opened the door. So, his hand was in knocking position for 2 seconds before he realized the door was open. But, he wasn't in his human form. " oh, " Vilkas choked. " You never really taught me how to change back into vampire form, " I started. " Good morning to you to Jazmine. " Vilkas laughed. I smirk and wait for an answer. " Right! Tense up your whole body and think about blood. That would get the venom in your veins to start pumping again. " I squeeze my hands into fists and tense my shoulders and my legs. I vision sinking my teeth in a wounded doe, my eyes then begin to turn red. My skin turns rock hard and my fangs grow in. " Thanks. " I say. Vilkas nods and motions for me to follow him. I follow him down the long and twisting hallway into a crowd of people and I stop beside him at the back of the crowd. " VAMPIRES LISTEN UP. " The leader called above everyones endless chatter. one by one people started to clue in to what was ordered to them. " WE WILL NOW BEGIN TO LOAD THE PLANES. " My heart sank. I never flew in a plane, What if we crash? What if we all die? Vilkas puts his arm around me, because he sences my tension.

          I smile at him, " EVERYONE LINE UP NOW! " The leader calls out. I back up alot and is the last one in the line. The line moves very slowly, up until I am face to face with the leader. " Ahh here is the newest little vampire Jazmine now. I suspect this is your first time seeing the Supernatural palace? " He asks me. I gulp and nod my head. The leader giggles, " My name is Mr.Collins. " I smile back to him, " Nice to meet you Mr.Collins. " I flatter. I extend a hand to him and he shakes my hand with great power. I feel the power radiating off him like a sauna. " Do you know how long this flight is going to be? " about 5 minutes. We travel at about 11265 k/ph. My mouth drops. " Holy cow... Thats really fast. " I bring up, He nods in response and leads me to the plane. I stagger up the steps and enter the plane.

          I take my seat and a plane attendant asks me if I would like anything. " Sure, I would like a glass of water please. " she responds. " Okay. " runs off, and brings me my water. I take a sip, but break off the side of the glass with my fangs. I take the glass out of my mouth. Everyone around me starts laughing, The girl beside me taps my shoulder. I look over and see her giggling to herself. " Yeah that would take some time. But, I'm Sarah. Nice to meet you. You, must be Jazmine. The new girl? " I nod. " I can tell. I think everyone can tell. Try not to put so much tension on your jaw and use your lips to hold the glass. not the teeth. " She guides. I put the cup to my lips and sucessfully take a drink. " There we go. " Sarah compliments. I depart the glass from my mouth and laugh. The flight attendant walks by and see's the mess I made, and her eyes expand. And she starts to laugh. " A little accident missy? " She asks. I giggle to myself, " Yep! " She grabs a few napkins and cleans up the water and the glass. " We will be landing in 30 seconds. Be sure to plug in your seatbelts. " I plug in my seat belt and the plane lowers to the ground.

          We stop and I stand up along with everyone else. I step down the stairs and onto the cement. I walk with Vilkas to the steps of the Supernatural palace. What stands before me, Is 4 cement pillars about as wide as a tree and standing over 200 feet tall. The vampire clan step through the door and cool air sweeps my hair behind my back. rows and rows of benches fill the palace and a podium positions at the front of the room. I'm guessing thats where the supernatural leader stands when announcing important things. We all take our seat and no longer than 5 minutes later, the Werewolf clan starts walking in.they're all in they're wolf form though. The majority of they're hair colour are black or brown, but one stands out of them all. One, is blonde. With bright blue eyes that I recognize. My mind starts to wander wondering where I seen those eyes before. But my mind catches up to me and a call rips from my throat. " JESSICA! " I scream above everyone else, and her head turns towards me.

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