Drarry/Scorpius/Albus- Muggle AU P8

Start from the beginning

167 were from Scorpius, begging him to come down, to unlock the door, saying he made him dinner especially for him and that it was in the microwave because he wouldn't unlock his door, messages saying he loved him and would do anything to see him happy and reminding him of when they were little or of when Sirius had that stroke and Albus was there for Scorpius, oh if Albus only let Scorpius be there for him. Then a goodnight text, because he didn't reply to the others.

15 were from Sirius and Remus, wishing him the best, asking if he wanted to come over or that they come over and Lyra, who was now 7 and adorable still, could see him and cheer him up. They went on about how Albus and Scorpius were Lyra's best friends and she didn't want Albus upset even though he's bound to be and that Lyra could come eat ice cream and watch a film with them both like they did to her when she was upset. Then the messages saying that they loved him more than he knew and was so grateful he came into their family.

50 came from Anvanna, saying she loved him more than he knew and going on about how his adorable jokes and smiles made her day and she could come over right then and cuddle him and watch TV with him to make sure he's okay and to kiss his little cheeks and to fiddle with his hair just like Albus loved doing to her and Elena. She could buy ice cream and drop it off or she could pick up Albus and her and him could just do a walk to the park and talk about things, about getting lost in this stupid world now they were all at their first year of college. Or she could pick him up in her car, which she learnt to drive as did the other three (except Elena had failed and was trying again next year) and drive them both away for a few hours, listening to the radio and screaming and laughing. They could talk about growing up, or growing down and being children again. She could take his mind off it, and she just wanted to try to do it to make him at least smile for a split second and let it all be worth it. Then, because he ignored the others, there was a goodnight text, saying she was worrying about him and loved him and just wanted him to have time to heal.

101 were from Elena. She was apologising for the death, for her mum just calling up like that and not bothering to tell you to your face. She was apologising for him getting ready to go and then hearing the horrible news. She was apologising for not being adults yet and being able to sort out the house and keep it. She was apologising for all of it but then she promised that they'd buy it one day and they could live in it with their children so his grandma really could see his children as her spirit walked around her house. She was saying how much she loved him and how she was here and would take his mind off it in a second if he asked. Or she'd let him cry it out whilst she hugged him and cried with him for losing her grandma-in-law, the closest thing she had to a mother-in-law. She reminisced on the times he invited her for tea and the stories his grandma told her about Albus whilst he blushed and apologised to her and denied and begged not to be dumped. As if she would ever leave him because he pooped in the bathtub when he was five. His grandma was like her best friend, too, singing with her and laughing with her whilst Albus smiled at her, glad she loved his grandma just like he did. Albus would be crammed in between the cuddles of his grandma and Elena, nice and warm as they watched films. Albus would show his toothy smiles like a two year old every time his grandma came over and every time Elena greeted her and invited her in and made her tea. Then she reminisced on the memory of last week. Two seventeen year olds kissing in his room when his grandma came up and they were acting like they were praying to some God instead of making out. His grandma just smiled all-too-knowingly, and then kissed his forehead and told him that she loved him more than anything in the world. And how Elena was the same. Elena loved him more than anything. She reminded him of their memories together, singing in his car when he passed and eating ice cream when she failed. Sharing glancing looks across tables at school when they first started dating compared to leaving and prom coming. The tears. Seeing him in his suit and feeling so in love and thinking about their wedding day as he started crying on her doorstep when he saw her dressed in her dress. She remembered her trying to calm him and him just pulling her into him, exclaiming that it was happy tears after calling her so beautiful and so smart and funny and such a blessing and that he couldn't believe they made it so far. He couldn't believe it was ending.
But guess what? Him and Elena and Anvanna were lucky enough to go to the same college, and Scorpius picked Anvanna up every day after college because he had improved his grades slightly yet either way wanted to be a car engineer. He went to the same college as Harvey who still met up every Saturday with boyfriend Ben, who went to a different college with the couple Angelina and Lily, but they all still met up.
How Scorpius would still beat up anybody who dared to bully or insult any of his friends, and how if somebody mentioned Albus' nightmares, they'd be in hospital the next day. But he wouldn't dare place a hand on Albus. How Albus and Elena would sneak off and kiss somewhere whilst Scorpius had Anvanna pressed against the seats of his cars. How Albus would smile and wink at Elena and her heart would flutter and she'd fall in love again and how she still had that damn post-it-note book that she'd look at. How she was crying but Albus' pain mattered more and she reminded him to eat and drink and remain healthy for his grandma. How she loved him and hoped he'd call or come over if his nightmares were too bad.

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