I Still Want You「25」

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- Jins POV -

The walls Suddnely began to crumble around me

"What's going on?" Sehun asked backing away from the wall he was once leaning on

"They're letting us out" I told him as I prepared to face my brothers.

And I was right the floor beneath us began to spin and we were transported into another room instantly.

It was a sicking sight seeing all of them sitting at their table

"Jin hyung its so nice to see yo-" Namjoon began

"Wheres Irene" I could feel the anger burning up in me. They all looked at one another

"She's alive and well that's all that matters right?" Jimin said smiling, studying all of their faces I noticed jungkook

"Where.....is.....she?" I asked him directly

"Her memories of you are gone jin. Let it go, let her go" this isnt fair looking into to jungkooks eyes I knew he was serious

Our time was cut short

"No....no no you can't be-...... Your all lying" feeling a surge of power I threw my fist down onto the table breaking it into millions of pieces

"Jin-Hyung if you don't belive us you can go see for Yourself, I honestly just wanted to kill her" yoongi said so casually kicking away the table pieces at his feet

Namjoon nodded his head and opened a portal

"Jungkook go with him" I flung my self through the opening and landed in a ally way near her shop. Jungkook following close behinde me

"Jin listen-" he began

"Don't talk to me right now jungkook" I cut him off as I turned the corner seeing Irenes shop

Looking inside I watched as she tended to the tables and managed the cashier. Slowly I climbed the steps an up to the cafe door opening it.

The familar sound of the bell that hung above the door rung

Her head rose up and our eyes made contact. A subtle smile formed on Her face 

Making her way over to me my heart seemed to beat out of control feeling as if it'd leap out of chest

"I-I-rene-" barely managing to say her name she stood in front of me looking up with her honey eyes.

"Welcome! You can have a seat anywhere I haven't seen you here before your first time?" She then said handing me a menu

She dosent remember me?

This cant be real

"I uh....yeah its my first time here" I barely managed to say taking the menu from her

"Well since its your first time ill give you a pastry of choice for free, just wave me down when your ready to order" walking away to quickly tend to another table I took a seat looking down at the menu.

[Bite Of A Demon] × k.sj b.jh 「Jinrene」✔Where stories live. Discover now