Story Begins To Unfold [11]

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- Irenes POV -

After collecting ourselves jin fixed my car and we drove home. Once we were in the shop I locked the doors again

" to explain why your brother wrecked my car and tried to drag you back to hell?" He took a seat and sighed

"I have more then one brother. Six to be exact, seven of us in total back in well....hell we represent the seven deadly sins and to keep things short as the oldest I'm supposed to become the ruler of hell and all things underworld" feeling my jaw drop I really cant belive what I'm hearing

Not only am I housing a demon

But I'm housing a demon who's supposed to be the king of hell

G R E A T.

"Do you not want to be king?" Asking he gave me a saddening look

"Becoming king means....." He didnt finish and looked away

"I want to protect you and stay with you" He said instead. Softly interlacing his fingers with mine

"This is all so sudden but please belive me when I say I want to be with you" staring at me intently I was truly left speechless.

"I want to be with you too jin, regardless if your a demon I can't deny my own feelings. But what happens when I grow old and die? Will you forget me?" Bringing up thoughts like this made me feel completely insecure

But its the truth

I'm a human

Your a demon.

We cant possibly be togehter.

- Jungkook POV -

How did that human mange to send me back to hell! I thought. Meeting with the other brothers I took a seat at the end of the long table

"Back without jin....again?" Yoongi scoffed crossing his arms

"What happen out there?" Namjoon was next to question me

"He's with a human I thought she was just a mere being but she was able to send me back to hell against my own will" the room feel silent for a bit as they looked at eachother

"A human you say. Did you catch there name?" Taehyung asked

"Ah yeah jin called her Irene" I replied jimin got up from his seat bringing him self to be beside me

"I'm gonna look through your mind okay? Just to get better insight" he then placed his thumbs along my temples

Closing my eyes I could see the memories he brought up. Her face appeared again and again

For a human she sort of has the beauty of a siren.

There was a sudden smack to my head

"Oi I saw your thought just now" jimin said removing his hands and returning to his chair

"So what did you see?" Hobi was next to question

"The women he's with shes a human but she does come from an interesting ancestory line" jimin replied continuing on

"I also saw another women the reincarnation of the princesse they seem to be acquainted which leaves me with an idea" we all pointed are ears to jimin as he went over the idea

"Do you understand what you have to do jungkook ?" I nodded my head

"Ive done it once in the past I can do it again maybe this time it'll bring him back" understanding what I need to do I made my back onto earth.

Princess hwahyeop

where are you?

[Bite Of A Demon] × b.jh 「Jinrene」✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant